
I am scared everyone will laugh at us. Tall girl dating midget. How can I feel more confident.

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I have been best friends with this guy for most of my adult life. We have stared to have romantic feelings for each other and he would be someone I would like to spend my life with. BUT I am quite tall and he is a midget. we always get strange looks and I have not told my family or friends yet (for a number of reasons apart from the height thing)

What can I do to be able to ignore people more easily?




  1. If this person really makes you happy, he is worth more to you than the opinions of others.

    Why should it matter if there is a difference in your height? You're still two thinking, feeling people. Anyone who would laugh at you together is so shallow and low that they are not worth a moment's thought. They are small, jealous people, usually so sunk in their own misery that they can only feel good about themselves by being cruel to others.

    Life is too short and chances for happiness too rare to be given up for something so silly.

    Let them look, let them laugh. Why should you care? Every time you see a smirk or a strange look, try to think about something amazing about your partner. You'll soon be the one whose smiling.

    Good luck!

  2. Ignore Everyone else.If you like him then that's all that matters.x

  3. all you have to do is look more confident

    if you feel confident ; they will think that they can't stop your and your partner's shine :)

  4. I go through the same thing my self, im 5ft11 and my wife is 4ft4, people try to take the micky out of us, but we have been together 26yrs married 25 and have 3 children. people have got nothing better to do. we just ignore people like that, and it hurts them not us. i would like to say if you love each other, i wish you have alot of happiness as we have had. Good luck for the future.

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