
I am scared of Space Mountain and I'm a newbie to rollar coasters, should I go?

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My friends would laugh at me if I didn't go, but If I tried it maybe I wouldn't be afraid. What 2 do??? I am lost. Should I try another rollar coaster before going on this ride? Should I not go? Should I face my fear? And here's a tip, I accidentaly blurted out that I liked rollar coasters and now, I wish I never had. Please answer, I am despreate.




  1. Space Mountain is really kind of a long kiddie coaster. There's no big drops and the g-force isn't much to speak of. Trust me, I'm a HUGE wimp on rollar coasters, and this one isn't anything to fear.

  2. go on it trust me its not bad really trust me i was like you scared then i went form small coasters to big

  3. go  on it gurl its fun i went on it and i thought it would be scary but its not

  4. just get on it, its scary man

  5. I think you should its not that bad theres just little dips and no big drops the scariest part is while your waiting on line(you know the suspence). Once you go on you'll want to go on again and again.

  6. Space Mountain is a good starter roller coaster.  It mainly just goes around and around with little dips.  There are no upside down loops or big drops.  You will want to do it again.

  7. Yes because once you go on you would want to do it again and again.  If you don't go then let your friends laugh becausethen they r not ur real friends.  In Disney there is no other roller coster like Space Mountain unless you have a park hopper and decide to go to Evrest but that is more scarier.  

    Space Mountain is also a one seater and once you go it is pitch black so you can close your eyes once you take off.  I did that my first time because it freaked me out.

  8. haha don't worry! I was just like you 2 years ago! a bunch of friends of mine and I went and i was so scared to go, but one of my friends pushed me to do it. And I had the BEST time of my life! It's so much fun! So don't worry! You'll have a blast!!!!

  9. which theme park are you talking about?

    if it is in magic kingdom go on big thunder railroad first this will ease you in.

  10. i know how you feel..

    i am always the loser that never goes on roller coasters...but i dont care everyone already knows...

    i was scared of it too and i still am..but my boyfriend made me go one and everytimne we go i get on...

    all i can say is just get on and close your eyes..its over before you know it!

  11. Just go. It's real safe. You're not gonna die. You will have a good time after the ride.

  12. well, as suicidal has this sounds go on splash mountain first because for some reason water rides are less intense then roller coasters, after you got the feeling you should love roller coasters if that doesn't work go on thunder mountain railroad, and if that for some bizarre reason doesn't work just say that you went on it

  13. if you can handle all of those, space mountain will be a breeze. It is all in the dark and it just looks like you are flying through the can't see anything but stars going by. and if you like rides like indiana jones and such, you will love it. I am not necessarily a big fan of roller coasters, but this one is amazing. This is the first rollercoaster I even went on, and now I love them.  It is a mild rollercoaster. It feels fast with quick turns and mild drops, but the fun is not knowing when anything is coming...i was scared to go on it at first (i dont like heights/drops at all), but i got dragged and it is now one of my favorite rides there. its is seriously one of the most fun rides ever. the music and everything is amazing. YOU WILL HAVE FUN!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AND ENJOY!!!!

    p.s. fastpass it if they let you so you don't have to wait in the long lines :)

  14. Just go on it. You will not die!

  15. It depends on your fear meter, Space Mountain is a rollercoaster that is in complete dark and turns unexpectedly, in my opinion, the roller coaster is bumpy and not smooth. Very uncomfortable, it's alright if you don't go on it, it's better if you don't if you don't want to experience very highly uncomfortable riding, but it's fun and popular. I had to wait for 1 hour just to ride this short uncomfortable ride.

  16. You should face your fear and go on the roller coaster. It is rel ally not that bad.(but I went on it a couple of years ago so  forgot what it was like.)

  17. Just do it to get it over with...

  18. If you're talking about the one in Disneyland then, don't worry about the height of it because you can't see a darn thing in there.  The music intensifies the speed of the ride which is super awesome.

    If you're talking about the one in Disney World, then build yourself up on to going on the ride by going on Thunder Mountain first.  The one in Florida you can see everything which is kind of a bummer.

  19. Yea go on it. Its a pretty tame ride compared to other coasters.

  20. you will love it once you get in and it starts rolling..

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