
I am scared of my mom! Help me!?

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I don't love my mother. At least some times I don't. I know thats a bad thing to say, but it's true. She is very nice....sometimes. But then sometimes her entire personality changes. Here are some of the horible things she's done to me in the past year. One, she's hit me a thousand times for little reasons. Two, she calls me the worst names it actually makes me cry. Some of the things she calls me are: brat, selfish, spoiled, stupid, mean, and no good. The worst one was when she said I was...worthless. She always apoligizes but it still hurts. And today she said I can't go on the computer after 9.00 pm for the rest of the summer! And the school year...most of it. And it was just because I deleted a paragraph of her work. But it wasn't on perpose! I didn't mean to at all!!! What should I do? She really hurts my feelings andsometimes AI feel she doesn't love me. Sometimes I feel like I have no one to turn to. Everyone else turns to their parents but my parents are divorced and my Daddy lives in PA (I live in NY). I told him about it all and he always says he'll talk to her. The next thing I know, she's yelling at him. Help!




  1. My mother was the same way, and I know a lot of people on here just tell you to talk things out with your mom. Talking to my mother never worked, if I ever told her how she hurt my feelings she would immediately start attacking me with all the horrible things I had done to hurt her feelings. It was a pointless fight, and we would both end up hurt in the end. Around 16 I realized to just let it go. Whatever my mom was upset about I would just nod through it and not say a word, or just tell her she was right, and it ended up helping me a lot. Sometimes children have to be the bigger person. My best suggestion would be next time she is upset, just let her get it out. Don't take anything she says seriously, but don't try and argue. If that doesn't work I would suggest talking to some at school about it (a guidance counselor) and tell them what is going on. Chances they will bring your mother in and talk to her about things, but be warned that she may not be too happy with you after that meeting.  Just try to get through it, find and outlet. Write in a journal, listen to music...just find something that can help you deal with what you're feeling after she hurts your feelings.

  2. If you deleted a paragraph, why didn't you press undo? to your mom..write a letter. It helps because you can choose your words and take your time.


  3. if my mom did that to me i would 1 talk to my councilor

    2 go to my Friends house for as long as ur allowed to and ask my best friends for good advice or talk to ur best friends mom or dad  

  4. well you could find the lost work for her or at least offer to help her with that, and when she is not so pissed try to get her to reconsider your punishment or trade it off for something else . Good Luck

  5. You need to talk to her, Tell her how you really feel shes your mom after all. If you really need help take her to a therapist w. u and take about it. Best of Luck!

  6. talk to the school guidance counselor  

  7. you need to talk to her about this. she sounds like she is unhappy and dont let her make you unhappy, beat her at her own game

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