
I am scared that i might be damaging my voice. when i sing high my voice sometimes breaks or cracks?

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am i damaging my voice?

someone help

also is it okay to kind of clench your throat at times when sining high while using your diaphragm

i do this sometimes.

Also is it normal for you voice not to sound as good in the morning when you get up?




  1. Yes, it's completely normal for your voice to crack or not sound good in the morning because you're actually dehydrated when you get up, so you should drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up.

    It is okay to clench your throat, but it might hurt a bit in the long run...

    No, you're probably just going through a rough time where your vocal cords are rubbing the wrong way, or PUBERTY

  2. Do you do voice exercises before you start singing? Maybe that will help. And if that doesn't maybe you should see a doctor about your throat. You don't want to damage it.

  3. Mornings it's best to open up your voice by singing the bass notes. and excercising your vocal chords.

    If you're singing with your diagphram you're not ruining it, but screaming with your throat would be damaging it could lead to problems.

    I personally feel you're not singing from your diagphram if you clench your troat, try putting pressure on the lower half of your lungs and abdomen region (diagphram area) while singing higher notes.

  4. I wish that you would have said how old you are.....maybe your voice is for your other problems, maybe your not singing correctly, have you had voice lessons ??? And yes most peoples voices do not sound that great when then first get up, that's normal. If your not in puberty, then check with your Dr. to make sure that you don't have something like polyps.....if not get the opinion of a voice teacher and see if your doing something incorrect !!!!! Good luck to you, and I hope this helps !!!!!!!!

  5. I wish that you would have told us your age, and what type of singing you are doing when you clench your throat.

    It is normal for your voice to not sound as good in the morning because it's been resting and recovering. But if it is very scratchy and takes a lot of work to get it warmed up, it could be because you are over-stressing it the day before. I am an opera singer, and I wake up just fine after a little warm-up. I can tell when I haven't been taking care of the voice by how hoarse I am in the morning.

    Back to the throat clenching..I can only see that as ok if you are singing rock music. Other than that, the entire purpose of learning to sing and singing healthily is to leave the throat out of it. Even while using a healthy belt it should be completely relaxed and open.

    If you are cracking a lot and you have ANY kind of pain or clenching on a regular basis, and you're not going through puberty, I would see an ENT. (Ear, Nose and Throat specialist). It could be that you are indeed damaging your voice. But with some rest, vocal therapy, and getting your butt into some real voice lessons, you can be just fine.

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