Yeah I know don't tell me I am pathetic cause I know it... anyways I have been really lazy and honestly pretty scared about practicing with this driving buisness... I am 16 and a half and I STILL haven't been on the freeway!! I could have gotten my licence at 16 and instead I got my permit (which you can get at 15 and a half) after I turned 16! My only freeway experience was w/ my driving instructor, he had full control and I was still scared shitless... I have driven for months but am still too scared to go on the freeway. I get the whole merging thing, look in your mirror and blindspot and match the speed, but it is so scary and I am afraid that I won't get a feel for going that fast or I'll crash....
I am so embarrassed because all my younger friends already have their licenses and went on the freeway the day they learned how to drive without any trouble.... why am I like this? Am I just worse at everything??? By the way I am a decent driver on regular roads....