
I am scared to tell girls that i am a virgin. ?

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I don't tell girls this right off the bat cuz that is a turn off.

I tell her when the time is right . she does need to know , and i hope she does still want to see me if i told her.

it is just that i know i will not be up to her standards in the bed room , and i just want to make her happy.

I am not desperate to lose it , but if i get any older i am just going to lose it to some random girl.

any advice ? BTW am am over 20 and under 25.




  1. then have s*x with someone!! GOD!!

  2. Girls shouldn't be mad or break up with you becaue of that.


    Even though most guys your age already have lost it, doesnt mean your the only guy who hasnt. Be proud and have confidence

  3. It's definitley not a turn off?! Not to me anyway. When i met my boyfriend he was a virgin (i wasn't) and i was happy about it! I think a girl would rather be with a guy no girl has ever touched over a guy that was a player when he was a teenager and has gotten with every girl in that town. You won't be that bad, everyone thinks that but it's like making out, your first time your so scared, but you like just natuarally get how to do it. After the first time you'll be a pro :) . Good luck ! (:

  4. Believe it or not, some girls think it's cute they figure "you're waiting for the right girl to come along"

    Maybe if you guys start getting into it, just tell her straight, "I've never down this before" She'll likely undertand and guide you a bit.

  5. Well don't worry, I'm 20 and virgin and I actually would love to find a guy that thinks like you, besides, if she loves you she'll understand and won't have any standards, just pure love that does not see imperfection.

    I'd say do it when you are ready AND with someone you love.

    Don't worry about age, just worry about happiness.

  6. Well if this girl really likes you she won't care. she'll like you for you.

  7. You can read so find some books on sexual techniques and learn that way.  It sounds like you have some high standards and I personally think that is great.  There is just so much more to relationships than s*x and as a female I can say it would be wonderful to know that I am the only girl you have been with.  Expect the same for yourself.  I wouldn't be ashamed or shy about it.  More like proud.  (not boasting proud) but you know what I mean.  All the best

  8. personally, i would rather date a guy thats a virgin. a lot of girls would. dont be embarassed

  9. It's sort of a turn off, but not in most cases.

    Girls can tell that You're saving Yourself for the right one.

    Well, "I think" that s*x for a guy is easy.

    You just have to put the "thing" in the certain places.

    You shouldn't be desperate to lose it either.

    Take You're time and wait for the right girl.

  10. Actually, I think more girls find that appealing than a turn off. I know I sure do.. it shows a lot about you. You want to wait until you find the right person, I think its a great thing.

  11. this sucks..u need to not tell her and just do it. Let her find out 4 herself

  12. it shouldnt matter if youre a virgin, or not. if a girl leaves you because of that then it obviously was never meant to be(: hope i could help!!  

  13. i think the girl will be honored to hear that your a virgin since they get to be the first one,, its even better if its their first time too :)

    dont hursj but when the time is right you have to tell her.. dont lie you'll seem cocky and girls dont like that!

  14. dude look i know this is ahrd to believe but i along with mos tother girls don't mind virgins. girls feel like they can teach him what to do. Maybe u could casually bring it up if u thin ur relationship is ready for s*x u could say im a virgin, but im ready to lose it or something like that best of luck

  15. I know it can sometimes be scary to tell a girl (non-virgin) that you're a virgin, and yes some girls find that a good thing, but others won't. What you need to do is say it casually, don't make a big deal about it, "Oh, are you a virgin? Because I am". Just something like that

  16. Do her and right after you finish you tell her that was your first time.

  17. Wow, you're some--guy alright. But I don't think you have anything to worry about. Any girl who would be disappointed to walk you through your first time, has obviously had her good share of sleeping around and is into her sexual urges, which means she's probably not going to be the girl for you. I don't think a guy who waits this long (no offense) will settle with a sleazy girl, would you? I don't think so. So find a girl who hasn't really been around (if you know what I mean). Anyway, good luck finding a good girl.

  18. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 24. But that doesn't mean I didn't know what to do in bed. Do a little research. Get a book or do a net search on sexual techniques and try to imagine doing those techniques. Visualization is a great confidence builder. The bottom line is: Do some research, feel confident (this will show even if you are inexperienced), and if you and the other person have a mutual desire and passion, you'll do just fine.  

  19. dont worry about it! first of all you should be glad your a virgin, i am and i love it! that way when i get married i will learn with my husband! but its something you shouldnt really think about in a bad way really. yes, it may be a turn off to some girls. but to others its a huge turn on! just keep looking if the girl leaves. you're definatlly going to get someone so dont worry =]

  20. for me...its more of a turn on than a turn off. I would be very please if the guy i was dating was a virgin. so dont worry, go ahead and tell her! Best of luck!

  21. performance is not everything to girls unless thats all theyre looking for.. if she likes you she'll work with you in the bedroom until you know what she likes

  22. You should find a girl that like you she won't care if your still a virgin.  Also she'll still love you even if you are a virgin.  Plus she could be your first.  

  23. so man dont worry about it, i mean its not like u telling her ur a g*y guy or something. so chill and besideswhat does she have to do wether if u r a virgin or not, i mean i doe snot hurt any one does it, so dotn be afraid, belive this or not, i am 16 and i never hugged kissed or had s*x with a girl and i am fine with it. so take a chill pill brah and live ur life

  24. wussy virgins are a TURN OFF...

    but CONFIDENT virgins are a turn on...

    so if you're a virgin, and you're confident about it...then girls will be in favor to you than to the unhealthy guy who probably has std from oversex....

  25. yeah that is a turn off but if you tell the  girl alittle while after you have been dating her then if she likes you enough she wont dump you if she does that shows that all she wanted was s*x

  26. Don't worry, you're fine! I'd say that, unless you're over 30 or so, virginity is a turn-ON, even in a guy!!! To me, it means you have self control, are not in a rush, and are waiting to be with the one you love.

    Personally, I think it's a hot trait to have, but that's just me.

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