
I am searching for a person who was working with me in maldives her name was ilka she is from germany?

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ilka was working as a tour guide for neckerman in maldives she was there from november2003 to november2004 she was taking care of the tourist who where coming through neckerman services and thomas cook for two resorts named ERIYADU ISLAND RESORTand SUMMER ISLANDS she was a good friend of mine for a certain period but for a small issue we argued and stop talking for evn until the last day she left after she left i undrestood i was mistake i should have spoken to her earlier .even after this more than two years also i still feel the pain in myself i should have atleast thought that time might be i never see her anymore in my life




  1. Run your search in this way and I'm sure you'll find her:

    There might be only few ILKA in this World.

    There might be only few ILKA in the whole of Germany.

    There might be only few ILKA in Germany who went to Maldives.

    There might be only few ILKA in Germany who went to maldives and Worked there.

    Or, if you are in good terms with anyone in your Maldives company, ask them her details, I'm sure each company maintains employee details.

    All the best, FATE THY TRUST.

  2. That is such a sweet story. The name Ilka is fairly common in Germany and honestly, I don't think her employers would give out such info, even i fyou tried. Personally, I would try on your end with the hotels she worked with and people there who might know her personally.

    As you probably know, Neckermann and Thomas Cook are both HUGE corporations but I would assume that individual hotels or representatives of these companies permanently "stationed" AT the hotels might be able to help you. Perhaps you could try and say it's some sort of family emergency, rather than a personal matter. It might make them more receptive of your request. Good luck!

  3. Write to Neckermann with your story and ask whether they have her full name and adress in Germany.

    Then contact the town in Germany where she used to live. Go to the town's website and search for "Melderegisterauskunft" or "Meldebehörde". The adress you get is the adress you need to write to.

    Tell the town that you want to find your friend again. They will need her full  name and last known adress (town name will do if it is small). This inquiry will cost you a fee of around 5 EUR, which you will need to send by cheque (or money order).

    This way you should be able to get Ilka's current adress.

    You can also try to contact the German show "Nur die Liebe Zählt" ("Only love counts") with your story.

    Write an email to

  4. mail her and try to reestablish contacts with her.

  5. Forget about her and get on with your life you have said enough here.

    Keep a printout of this and and if the path crosses you can show your good intentions at that time.

    She may respond to this in that case ........

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