
I am searching for my birth daughter Born Nov 1978

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I am searching for my birth daughter she was born Nov 11/11/1978 ( or-7days) ISalt Lake City Utah area,, Private adoption- Nolan Olsen Lawyer ( I have talked to him he will not help). I was 16 in 1978,,,





    Good luck!

  2. Below is the law regarding access to information in Utah.  I do hope that you can reunite.  Adult adopted citizens and first parents are just as capable of handling relationships and making contact with other human beings, including each other, as any other people.  Government meddling is insulting, demeaning and perpetuates the idea that adoptees are forever children and that first parents are forever little teen-aged girls and boys.

    Who May Access Information:

    Citation: Ann. Code §§ 78-30-17; 78-30-18

    Nonidentifying information is available to:

        * The adoptive parents or legal guardian

        * The adopted person

        * The adopted person’s spouse, or guardian of the adopted person’s child, if the adopted person is deceased

        * The adopted person’s child or descendant

        * The birth parent or adult birth sibling

        * Identifying information is accessible to:

        * The adult adopted person

        * Birth parents

        * An adult birth sibling

    Access to Nonidentifying Information

    Citation: Ann. Code § 78-30-17

    A detailed health history and a genetic and social history of the adopted person shall be available upon request to the persons listed above.

    Mutual Access to Identifying Information

    Citation: Ann. Code § 78-30-18

    The adult adopted person and birth parents, upon presentation of positive identification, may request identifying information from the adoption registry maintained by the bureau. The bureau may only release identifying information when it receives requests from both the adopted person and the birth parent. After matching the request of an adult adopted person with that of at least one birth parent, the bureau shall notify both the adopted person and the birth parent that the requests have been matched, and disclose the identifying information to those parties.

    However, if the adopted adult has a sibling of the same birth parent who is under age 21, and who was raised in the same family setting as the adult adopted person, the bureau shall not disclose the requested identifying information to that adult adopted person or the birth parent. The adult adopted person and adult siblings, upon presentation of positive identification, may request identifying information from the registry, following the same procedure outlined above.

    Information registered with the bureau is available only to a registered adult adopted person, and his or her registered birth parent or registered adult sibling. Information regarding a birth parent who has not registered a request with the bureau may not be disclosed.

    Access to Original Birth Certificate:

    Citation: Ann. Code § 78-30-15

    All documents connected with the adoption are sealed except upon order of the court granting inspection.

    Where the Information Can Be Located:

    Mutual Consent Voluntary Adoption Registry

    Adoption Reunion Registry

    Department of Health

    Vital Statistics

    288 N. 1460 W.

    Salt Lake City, Utah

    Telephone: (801) 538-3916  

  3. I wish you the best of luck :)

  4. Many states have a registry now that you can sign up on, and if your daughter signs up too, an advocate can help reunite the two of you, but I think she has to be 18 to do this.  If either party does not sign up, then you are out of luck.

    There are many agencies that will help.  I would do a search on Utah adoption registries and see what you can find.  There are also web sites that adopted parents and children can sign up to be matched also.

    good luck.

  5. I truly hope that you can find her, good luck

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