
I am searching for offline jobs where i can do part time work of free deposit from home.can any1 help me??

by  |  earlier

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i prefer typing jobs(offline) where i can do typing from home itself and post online.i have preferable computer knowledge and am a prefer to work part time.kindly help me.




  1. The only place that I know where you could get a job from home was on an article that I read.  A friend went through them, so it's legitament.  I don't remember the name of the comany, but it's in the article.

  2. Depending on your background, you could consider medical transcription, coding or billing. I was a medical transcriptionist working from home for 13 years.

    Many transcriptionists get their training through a course of study while others carry their medical terminology knowledge with them from other health related fields. You would need to get the terminology down, and then get started. Many companies want experience so there's a catch-22. However, doctors and hospitals may be hiring, and after a time you can work from home as many transcriptionists do.

    There's some excellent information for anyone considering a career in this field in the website listed below. No affiliation with any school or products, just good info, including real job listings in coding, billing, and transcription.

    They also have free listings in their directory for transcriptionists.

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