
I am selling my car an have had an emailer wishing to buy it from USA he is sending cheque?????

by  |  earlier

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He wants to buy the car which is £2000 then hav it shipped to his home at a cost of £2500...... is it safe to do have read about fraudulent cheques etc?????? HELP______




  1. get the cheques checked first and before you send the car over make sure you have all the money upfront he must want the car really bad to pay £2500 to get it shipped over please check it out 1st

  2. would NOT accept a personal check by any means. get him to wire the funds through a notable wire transfer service or bank or money order. if you do accept a personal check (dont do it!),let him know that before sending the car you will be waiting for the check to arrive and also waiting 1 - 2 weeks, however long it takes your bank, to clear the check in full amount

  3. I wouldn't sell it to anyone who is not in your own country. Nowadays you cannot trust anyone, but you can always use PayPal..this is a trusted way to send money between countries

  4. There is no problem accepting a cheque - just wait until it has cleared through your bank before anything else.

    You are in fact Exporting your car - be warned, you need to apply for an Export Licence.

  5. hire a local escrow company to handle the sales transaction. It might cost you a 200 pounds, but it is worth it.

  6. that sounds really dodgy - insist on a paypal payment so you have the money before you do anything.  there have been lots of frauds carried out by people claiming to want to buy cars.  

    if the buyer hasn't bought it yet i think i'd just say 'sorry, uk buyers only' and stay well clear of it x

  7. It's a scam, Sell your car closer to home making sure you get ready cash!!

  8. try and cash it before u send your car, if it bounces then u don't send your car. i can't see y would someone send a cheque thur the post

  9. I have heard about a recent scam that sounds similar, you get an offer for above the asking price then they ask you to pay for the shipping and keep the difference (or something similar).  In these cases the seller bamks the cheque and were told it was clear, only for the bank to later recall the cheque as fraudulent.  The bank says this is because it appeared to clear, but because of the different systems abroad, the fraud did not come to light until later.  I would insist on pay-pal - at least then you have protection.  This happened in Lincoln and was reported in the Lincolnshire Echo some weeks ago.  Police said at the time that it was a growing crime/.  Don't know if this is the same...but check out the Lincolnshire Echo web site and see if they still have the article on record, you could contact lincolnshire police to see if they have records of the cases,  contact trading standards or insist on pay pal.. If they want to spend so much on a car then they would not mind the hassle of setting up a pay pal account for protection for themselves as well as you.  EBay should also offer advice on security.  Don't want to scare you but you need to be aware of the similarities with other cases that turned out to be fraud, these were from Internet auction sights as well!

  10. Cash it before you send anything

  11. BOING! Just make sure that the cheque you get doesn't do that. Let the buyer pay all shipping charges and other fees in relation to the export of your car. Only when he has done that and you have safely got your hands on your cash should you let your car go. You could insist on a cashiers cheque/Bankers draft cheque as these are guaranteed not to bounce around. It is also a good way of preventing a money launderer from sending you any more cheques.

    Good luck

  12. Make sure it is for the correct amount,Bad guys send cheques above the amont reqired and ask you to send the difference back to them and the cheque you gor turns out to be made of rubber,That way they get money off you for paying out nothing,Hope to have been helpfull.

  13. Don't do it by check.  Have him send the payment by Western Union.  He'll have to give the cash to the Western Union agent who will forward it to a Western Union agent in your area.  All funds are guaranteed.  If you don't have a Western Union agent in your area, have the buyer wire transfer the funds to your bank directly.  With banking practices the way they are these days, it's quick and simple.

  14. It can take a while to clear a cheque from USA.  I have cheques not met four weeks after I have banked them and the bank has cleared them in the usually four days but then gone back on them

  15. The cheque may well be real enough and so might be the cash. But be aware if he starts asking you to cash more than the agreed £2000 it may well be a money laundering scheme.

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