
I am seriously considering a move to Mexico, i think i would do well there but i wonder if i would be welcome?

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how do mexicans generally treat white people who live and work in Mexico, especially white people who own a business. i plan on opening a small business there. would i be accepted in the community? i have encountered alot of very racist Mexicans here in the US so I'm a little concerned. but that might just be because Americans treat them badly and give them reason to be racist.

what do you think about this?




  1. I live in Mexico, an old widow and am treated kindly by my Mexican neighbors. I do some computer work, feed stray dogs and hire a few local folks to do a bit of cleaning and yard work. They know my funds are limited. I think affluence among new gringos who have moved in has caused some jealousy among Mexicans, newcomers have a tendency to be obnoxious and arrogant. The ugly American isn't welcome. Make certain that you hire locals for your new business, pay them well and they will be devoted to your business.

  2. theres no color discrimination in mex besides .... believe it or not u would not b the only white guy there.

  3. I don't think Mexicans are racists.  I just came back from Mexico (March 9th) and I've never felt more welcomed in my life.  The people at the Resort were very friendly and in the shopping district they were very warm and cordial.  Course, I had a few folks asked me if I was Mexican.  I'm proud to be of a mixed background of Black, Italian and Native American.  Sometimes I wonder if our Government tells us the whole truth.  Now don't get me wrong, I believe we're in the best Country on this planet but it makes you think.  I love Mexico and hope to go back.

  4. Mexicans are not Racists . You be treated with respect if you earn it.  That does not take long.  

    Have you ever walked in to a strange bar?

    If you are a good guy  People sense that .

    Mexicans are very quick to befriend foreigners.

    Most Mexicans in America are not treated with the respect the deserve and some resent that and respond accordingly with hatred and violent.

    Mexico has its share of evil people but being killed for your skin color here--almost non existent.

    The killing here is over feeding  the millions of drug addicts  north of the border.

    Mexicans racist ? Who is there here to be racist against.

    You think they don't like the tourists that bring millions of $ here.

    Your good to go


  5. well you know what . being a mexican myself i would tell you that your mentality is true. they are racist because of how they are treated here, but it will all be up to you as an indivudual or for your business. if you rip them off, they will keep thinking bad of americans. and it is not just mexicans that think that way. no offense but american people tend to think that they are the best and they are looked up to when it is really just being  like everyone else except a better government. and that no one can control because voting does nothing, at the end the rules and laws are going to be what the most powerful person in the nation thinks fit to be. anyways to your concern, be kind to them, show them that you are there to help them out as well as profit cuz you can't be dumb like that you know? lol but don't just go cuz things over there might be more cost efficient and charge them a lot. that is so wrong of people with businesses. also be careful of certain mexicans because some are just as bad as terrorists, not willing to take anyone's bs and they WILL do something about it....  I AM FROM JALISCO. people are pretty friendly there, now sinaloa, t.j. and some odd sounding towns have some mean people, besides there is a lot of beautiful sites to see there and it is a nicer kinda place not some small town where no one lives. hahaha!

    well hope this helps.

  6. I am an American living in mexico, and agree that you will not have a problem with acceptance.  You do need to have the right visa and know all the steps for moving to Mexico.  To reside in Mexico, you should get an FM 3 visa. You must have proof of at least $1200.00 a month steady income from the a pension, or proof of at least one years worth in the bank. This visa must be renewed every year and proof of income is required. After 5 years you may apply for an FM2 visa ( similar to a green card in the U.S.) After 2 more years, you may apply or citizenship...which takes at least 2 years. People who cannot provide proof of income often go to Mexico on a 180 day tourist card...and leave every 6 months for a day or so, then re-enter on another tourist card. You CANNOT work in Mexico without an FM3 and a work permit....very difficult to get. You must find an employer who will write a letter to immigration and state that he is giving you a job for which he cannot find a Mexican citizen. Then your work permit is tied to that specific job. Even professional jobs pay a fraction of what they do in the U.S. unemployment in Mexico is high...they do not NEED" workers. Retiring in Mexico works well, moving here as a young person who needs to work, simply does not.  If you have income to invest in Mexico, you can get a visa to do that.  There are many foreigners here who have opened businesses.

    You can talk to the nearest mexican consulate for detailed info.

  7. You will be treated the same way you treat the people around you. If you are kind and polite, people will treat you the same way. Mexicans in general are very open and friendly with tourists. That is a trait many foreigners like about Mexicans.

  8. hi i also have a small business in mexico and my neighbor in San Miguel de Allende is white and he loves it there. Once you go past the border its a big change you will be noticed but there are parts of mexico wher you would fit in just fine and nobody would even notice that your a foreigner. for example Sinaloa Mexico, its not unusual to find blond haired blue eyed people passing in the street. Or San Miguel De Allende, parts of Jalisco, Zacatecas. and a mixure of people in Mexico City. Beach areas are the most common because of the tourism and you will find alot of americans went on vacation but never came back, and are living quite comfortably down there. anyways people in mexico are really friendly and will give the extra effort to make you comfortable. good luck.

  9. I think it depends where you go. I am Canadian and I lived on the Baja south of Ensenada in Vincente Guerrero for 6 months and I never had a problem. But I spoke spanish and I supported the local buisnesses as well. One lady their made the most amazing ice milk, I bought it almost every day.

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