
I am sick and tired of living in my brother's shadow.?

by  |  earlier

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My brother is considered the coolest, best looking, know-it-all guy in our school. All the girls are infatuated by him, all the guys fear him, his decisions are followed blindly. To everyone - he is absolutely PERFECT.

I am so tired of his attention seeking (and getting!) I am tired of all my friends being oh, so in love with him, and I am tired that every conversation ends up being about him. And I am tired of all the private questions about him (because, well I should know, I am his sister) and the fact that I am always seen as his sister, like I have no worth otherwise.

I am not jealous of him or anything. He is great to be around when we are alone, (yeah, perfect again) but I hate his public cool act.

It is totally impossible for me to just be me because of him. We are in the same grade and I begged my parents to transfer me to a different high-school, but they say I am being silly and that this is the best school.

I am just sick and tired of living in his shadow, not just with my parents but with everyone else.

He is really great to me and I can't say that any of this is really his fault but it bothers me immensely. I almost feel guilty for feeling this way.

What do I do?




  1. I can understand how you feel. Maybe it would help you to make a list of your friends' brothers and how they feel about them.

    You don't want to be in your brother's shadow, and that is certainly natural. Is there something you excell at? Try starting something that you are good at that has nothing to do with you brother at all. Then put all your energy into you new project/hobby and make your own reputation.

    Really you are lucky to have your brother. My brother broke his neck in a wreck and was paralyzed 15 years, then died.

    Let you own talents shine through and be seen!  

  2. is ur bro John Tucker

  3. Well, unlike you, I am the older sister and my little sister isn't living in my shadow. It seems like all people ever wanted to do when I was in elementary school was be my friend because of her for some reason and they've only seen her once.

    Now, that I'm in in a junior high school and she is still in elementary school, my new friends think that she's sort of a brat because she blames everything bad thing on me and takes credit for all my school unrelated work at home, so I get very angry.

    My parents still believe her, though. She says that my sister finishes homework faster and I'm slower at finishing homework but truth be told, I'm the one who's nearly giving her the answers and doing my work at once.

    Point is, you won't have to live in your brother's shadow forever.

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