
I am sick of seeing these questions about how girls are better than boys!?

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My question is why do girls feel the need to post questions like, "Reasons y girls are better than boys!" I mean, if women are so much better than men then why do they promote feminism, and then expect the men to go die in war, etc. etc.. I can think of a ton of reasons why BOYS are better than girls. Of course they're equal, but you don't see guys posting those kinds of questions.




  1. I rarely see these....stay off the 14 year old sections and you will not have this problem.

  2. People who post this kind of questions, I think, are bored, superficial, simple, or all at once. But I also don't believe that we're equal, bacause everything seems to point to the opposite. We're just different, and any other point of view is a result of cultural background. Anyway, imagine how people would react if a guy would make such a statement: that men are better than women. Girls tend to get away with such affirmations, or with any other act of hate or disrespect towards men, because it's perceived as a proof of emancipation, whereas men are labeled 'misogynists'.

    Both points of view are stupid if you ask me. The original versions of the two have little to do with them. People should try to stop viewing everything from a gender perspective, it's very limiting. But I guess that's never going to happen :)

  3. Good post L B. I agree with you. you raise a remarkable issue. Naturally it's insecurity due to their logical low self worth.

  4. I agree its sad

  5. Oh, yes, you do, even more often than you see the opposite. You haven't been here long, have you?

  6. Girls always say they are so glad to be a girl, and guys say they love being a guy.  Both have their own perks, and both even out in my opinion.

  7. One minute you talk about girls and boys and the next men and women.  If you feel males are superior to females - as you suggest - then that makes you a misogynist, or at the very least sexist.

    As to your last erroneous remark, see

  8. Because they are delusional.

  9. If you truly don't see guys posting these questions, you must be truly blind.

  10. Where have You been hiding out? The "so called "Boys" that are on this site have Always posted Men are better than women" posts. Keep reading, you'll find alot of bull in here.

  11. LOL... you are probably the first to ask such question and I think it's d**n interesting... 2 thumbs up

    but I can tell you why... the reason is because they just want to step out from the secondary class. they too want to feel the superiority. guys have already been there done that since the earth existed, so they wont be bothered much about all these things.

    and the other thing why guys dont talk about is probably because they will never win in such conversation or debates as you know these questions are normally raised by girls.

  12. a world without girls is a world without colours............

    imagine it

  13. Maybe in another section but not here - We do see these guys posting those statements. - it's ""men are better than women"" crapola here.

  14. Well, there are plenty of guys posting those kinds of questions too, but it's nice somebody finally noticed it's not just guys instead of somebody trying to deny it happens.

  15. yeah that right,how wonderful if boys and girls just forget it the question and agree which what boys can do girls also can do so the problem will disappear right..erk it just my mind...

  16. Haven't seen any questions of that nature here in GWS at all for a long time, but then again, I haven't seen any lately from men here either.

    Do you have any examples of women doing this?

  17. Wow, what a great question/thought process.  You signify to me how incredibly talented, unique and sharp women/girls  are. Together the female and male brains/hearts/souls can create a great nation (besides a family, town, society, etc.)  

    The quickest way today to subdue a country is to pit female against male.  And as the communists say, you only need to take over one Generation in order to take control of a country.

    All you need is slogans, symbols and sayings (?) just like the n***s and Communists had.  



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