
I am sick of watching tv what should I do I am so bored I can't handle it?

by  |  earlier

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I need some ideas of something to do that isn't watching tv or going on the computer.




  1. ride bike, fly kite, run, walk, pick flowers, go clubbing, join a sports team, go shopping, do your homework, learn an instrument, find a hobby..

  2. um play outside!

  3. Put what ever skills you were blessed with to use!  What is your favorite sport?.....  Do you jog?... stretch your legs get that blood pumping. Be a mentor to someone.  What are your thoughts on volunteering for an organization of some sort that gives back to the community. Read a book. There is so much to do and so little time!!!!!! Work it!! Work it!!

  4. Call your friends and make plans to go to the park or the mall for fun or something.  

  5. Read a book.

    Write a short story.

    Take up a hobby (like origami, NOT stamp collecting.)

  6. punch a zebra

  7. go for a walk into town, take up sewing, learn something like a new language

  8. Read a book,  work on some puzzle books, go for a walk, work in the yard, help your parent clean the house, clean/rearrange your room, organize your closet/shelves/dresser.  Try your hand at something creative, a craft, drawing, painting or coloring (color books aren't just for little kids, lol).  Have fun!

  9. Read a book

    Join a local club


    Take a class (cooking, yoga, etc.)

  10. I go to the park.

    It's not much, I can't drive. And I'm 17, but I have to find something to do.

    My parents don't drive me to my friends' houses either.

    But I manage.

  11. Read a book.  

  12. go on internet machine or go outside..

  13. Well our videos can entertain for about 30 minutes.... You dont have to favorite or comment or subscribe if you don't want to but that would make us happy!!!! Here's the link!!!!!!

  14. Since you posted this in the parenting category I assume you are a parent.  Take your kids to the park or the playground.  Play some games with your kids or read to them.  Go for a walk.

  15. Go to the bookstore and find some stuff to read! Reading will open up a whole world you didn't even think existed! Find something you like.

  16. Read a book.

    Walk your dog.

    Call a friend.

    Go shopping.

    Go for a walk.

    Hangout with someone.



  17. Learn to crochet or Knit.


    Go for a nature walk

    Do research

    organize a closet

    Bake something

    Go to the mall

    Play Mini Golf

    Get a metal detector and go to public areas and search for treasure

  18. try something  new

    read a book

    learn to play some instruments

    go window shopping

    go to a friend

    find some part time job

    try to redecorate your home or room

  19. Take one hammer and hit hardly on the t.v..i will become in small pieces than you can handle it....

  20. Change the world-volunteer somewhere, or help out a neighbor. Bake cookies and take them to prison. Get creative.

  21. I don't actually know how old you are, but my daughter is 13 and from the looks of your avatar i suppose you're a girl.

    Here is what she does:

    Writes a short story, types it up on the computer, and prints it out.

    Goes to the library and checks out 3 books, on 3 different subjects.

    Writes a story about all 3 subjects.

    Bakes cakes,cookies,etc.

    Makes a sculpture out of unused items around the house

    Good luck.

  22. learn to do something, like playing the piano, guitar or violin?

    do household chores to help lighten the load on your mum :D

  23. Go the gym or arrange play dates with your friends. That's good to stop wasting eyesight on television. Becasue watching television is the same thing as just turning on a bright light and just starring at it. Don't you think that can be bad?  

  24. how about you join the rest of the human society.  If you can't figure out what else is out there beyond your TV screen you have definite social problems.  Good luck.

  25. How could you get bored of the computer!!!

    but sadly there is very little to do, iff only we all had unlimited money....

  26. excercise go for a walk

  27. Crafts...there are a gazillion craft ideas out there. The holdiays are coming up so it is a good time for it.

  28. um well you can try to invent something, get a job, attempt at using your brain powers, stretch, excersice, make a dance, listen to music, read a book, write a story, create your own food invention (like make ur owen recipe and make the food), call a friend, skip around the house, thats all i can think of, oh yeah or you could take a walk, get an icecream

  29. Mow the lawn, vacuum the house, wax the floors, shovel the snow, bake a pie .... do your school-assigned homework .... read a GOOD book.  And that is just for starters.  Or get into some sort of "community service" activity.


  30. Go out with your friends!

    Even better like me learn - maths and science

  31. do yardwork.


    re-organize something.

    take a walk.

    get a job.


    read a book.

    call a friend.

    invite someone over.

    go to the beach.

    take pictures.

    do a craft.

    cook or bake.

    lay in the sun.

    ride your bike.

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