
I am single and getting ready to move. Where are some websites for ideas on packing?

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I am wanting to get rid of some of my clutter as I move. I will be setting up a classroom as well when I move. Thanks




  1. Here are some site that you may find helpful:

    I move a lot and one thing I like to do to save myself time once I get to my new house is to pack silverware, cookie cutters, and other small kitchen items in ziploc bags.  I have found it much easy to have all the similar items group together in a bag that way they aren't just thrown into the box.

  2. I have moved numerous times throughout my life.  I have tried both ways... meticulously labeling each box as to which room it goes in, getting matching size boxes, so the stack neater, ant etc.  I have also just boxed everything up, and loaded it into a truck.  I have found, that either way, you have just as much mess when you get to the new house, and just loading up the truck is lots easier.  The best place to get boxes for packing, is liquor stores, as they have good strong boxes, meant to carry heavy bottles... and they are happy to give them to you for free.

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