
I am six days late. Every test says I'm not pregnant and every symptom says i am. How do i know?

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My husbend and i had s*x on the 10th. I had spotting on the 14th or the 15th. My period was due the 24th. I have always been on time. Never missed a period or been more than a day off. It's now the 30th and my period has not come. I have taken probably 10 test and they have all said negative. My breast have never hurt so bad in my life, i'm having lower back pains, and mild cramps. What should i do? Has anyone had this problem?




  1. Well, Morgan, it definatley sounds like you're pregnant. Lucky you. :)

  2. yes it means that you are and what is happening is your hcg levels are not high enough and to retest in a week. mine showed up when i was 6 to 8 weeks with my children.

  3. its possible that you could have just ovulated late.. your ovlation date can change depending on stress ,a injury, car accedent just about anything could make you late to ovulate and in turn make your period late.. .. so thats probably it,and your period will just come late..usually if your pregnant it would have shown up on a test by now. if nothing happens in the next few days, take another one or go speak with your doctor.

  4. it sounds like you have the symptoms, at this point only a blood test can help :) talk to your doc about getting one to make sure! you can also ask a doctor online for free for advice, try this website, FertilityTies

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. The hormone levels for the positive test may not be high enough yet to show. I would go to the doctor, they can run a blood test that should give you the answer you're looking for. It sounds like you're pregnant though.

  6. go to Dr. and get a blood test...more accurate than urine tests. Each time I get blood tests, I start my period within the next day or two....keep trying...I'm with ya!

  7. I think, you should wait at least 3 weeks or so. and if its really bothering you and you just can go to the doctors becasue that will show the TRUE facts.

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