
I am skinny and I have small ***. I NEED HELP!?

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I am naturally skinny.i have boney leg, arms and small ***.

I eat a lots but I never get fat.

I am 15 but I have to wear 12 years old trousers and i feel embrassed to buy them. I can't wear skirt and short sleeves because i don't want anyone to see my boney legs and arms.

There is school prom coming up in 8 months and I want to look normal.

What should I do?

Please help me.




  1. what are ***?

    Just accept your body for the way it is, you'll be happier. If you need a quick fix for the dance buy a push up bra and padded panties.

  2. You are very lucky to be naturally skinny.  Most girls and women ask questions about losing weight.  Do what the Olsen twins do.  They wear over size clothing that actually hides their body and their skinny legs, arms and ***.

  3. You just sound like a petite person. Look for a dress that flatters other parts of your body, such as your narrow waist.  

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