
I am so TIRED I push myself

by Guest57489  |  earlier

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gosh my body need some rest. I went to bed at 10pm lastngiht, but i guess that was not enough. i am on the go 7days a week. i am beat. hep what can i do to help my body stop feeling tired.




  1. I hear you loud and clear.

    For 2 1/2 years it was me, my 2 two kids, me in school full time and working 30 hours a week. Plus trying to get in family time and studying.

    Hang in there, it will be so worth it when you get that diploma. I have 1 year left. If you have family close by ask if they can every other weekend or so take your son for just even part of the day so you can have some down time. Trust me...that helps a lot too.

  2. Thats part of life and having a child, but I understand.

    Is there anyway that you could have someone watch her just one night a week? Like her father or your mom? If so, take advantage of that. Drop her off and hurry home to sleep. You'll eventually get rested up. Also, tell your child its bed time, and thats that. Make it go to bed, and if it doesn't want to go to sleep, too bad. Leave it alone until it falls asleep.

    Good luck and I hope you get some good rest soon!

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