
I am so alone and have no one to talk to?:(?

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I have been going through a tough time lately and I don't know what to do. I did bad in my exams and I might not get on a different course I want to do because of the time when I applied. I struggle to get a job and I have depression and OCD. I used to talk to my bf about this, but our relationship is falling apart because I have pretty much lost my emotions and don't feel anything anymore for anyone. Now I have no one to talk to, I have trouble talking to my Mum and friends because I have been bullied, hurt and betrayed in the past and now I don't trust anyone. What should I do?




  1. Well instead of saying I'll be your friend I'll give you some advice... Set aside some time once a day to meditate on your life... Wither it is spiritual or not just set aside time to put everything into order, normally emotions going out of control are loss of sleep or not having time to organize your thoughts so you vomit them out on your friends.

  2. Soon you will be on a course that you want.  Maybe not your first choice but you will like it when you get there!  You will meet new people there so should not feel alone.

    I reckon you are stuck at home bored and no-one to see.  No wonder you are feeling low.

    You sound like you could be a bit like me ( QUOTE I might not get on a different course I want to do because of the time when I applied UNQUOTE ) and maybe you ingore things that you know need doing and then pay for it later!  This is called procrastinating and people that do it tend to do it a lot.

    You may be procrastinating because you are depressed, or you may be depressed because you procrastinate.  I procrastinate because I have ADD.

    You need to keep busy.  Have a list of things that need doing, (goals) and keep ticking them off the list one by one.  Try and do stuff at the top of the list first and prioritise, but if you just can't face a particular thing that needs doing do something else.

    My motto is 'at least do SOMETHING!'

    As your list shortens your mood should lift.

    Keep busy, get out of the house, get things done, think positive!

    good luck xx

  3. One if you really and truly need a friend then I'll try to do my best to be one to you if you wish to add me as a friend.  


    and we all have expectations of what certain peoples roles should be especially friends and often times they fall short.

    That's why I 'm a myspace-aholic for that reason.  I get to make friends with people who can't judge me & if they do it's okay because they live in cyber world which sometimes suites me just fine.  

    Know that what you are going through is perfectly normal.  The thing is that what we go through stil effects the people around you as well and often times they too have trouble coping.  

    Do me a favor.  Change is scary I know, but try to welcome it.  Focus on the little good you have in your life and keep in mind those who don't even have that.  Life is just giving you a reality check.  It's corny but when stuff like this happens to me I take a step back and  evaluate my life from A-Z so I know where to start patching up holes.  That maybe it's God's way of saying hey Megami you aren't doing this right and things wont let up until you get back on track.  So I force myself to try to get it right.

    Be strong

  4. Dont blame urslef for ur boyfriend not being there for you. Thats his issue and if he cant support you why be with him.

    Dust urself off, make some coffee and smile..say to urself.."Im totally kick a$$ and nothing will bring me down today" Throw on a hot dress and start ur day anew!

  5. You can write to me - there are many people to talk to and sometime it is easier to talk/write to someone who hasn't been judging you for a while...

    Take care :)

  6. I am not going to tell you to go to a specific therapist because of your depression and all (even though that I do think that you need one), but I am going to tell you a few little things.  

    It isn't too hard to make a good friend that you can trust and talk too.  I'm not saying that it is very easy, but I am saying that it is do-able.  

    Make a new friend.  Once you have fully put yourself in trust of that person, start to talk.  That person could help you out MAJORLY.  This is no joke.

    I get seriously worried about people like this because of my grandfather that died of depression.  It really doesn't only hurt yourself, but it hurts others, like your family.

    try working things out with your boyfriend again.  

    I don't know you and I am trying to help (and not to be too bossy), but I seriously think it would be better if you got some help.  Hope I gave you some!

  7. Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time.   Sometimes it can feel like you are stuck under a pile of bricks and can't get up.  It's then you need someone to pull a few bricks off you so that you can start to stand up again.  For me, that person is Jesus.  Always listening, always wanting to help and always faithful.  Jesus said, "behold I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice  and  opens the door, I will come in to Him.." Rev 3:20 Jesus is talking about opeing our hearts up to Him.   Don't get me wrong, I am not talking about religion, I am talking about a personal relationship with God.  Ask Him and  see what He does.  I would not be without Him and cannot begin to  describe all He has done for me.   I hope you find ypur peace in Him.        

  8. just start praying all your trouble will turn in happiness

  9. you can talk to me, i have depression and going thru a hard could add me at on MSN messenger. Im logged in rite now on my phone b/c im at work...but my supervisors not here so im doing nothing my whole shift.

  10. well if u av msn add mee:

    Cya jess xx

  11. u r almost like me...

    I dont have siblings. but when im bored, i chat with ppl on internet.

  12. i think you should try going to therapy and fixing things with your boyfriend

    you need help

  13. its called go see a therapist and get prescribed to Prozac

  14. try trusting again!

    also try

    to forgive and forget

    it will help but it's VERY HARD

    Smile it will get better but it will be hard there will be up's and downs but if you want more ups then make it happen!  sadly no one else can make that happen but you at least in your life!

    took me 3 years to get myself out of my own rut of depression and trust and irrational beleives!

    beleive in you!  cuz your great!

  15. Sounds like you need to get away from it all for a bit. I sugest a holiday in the sun, that helped me when i was down.

    Keep your chin up!!!

  16. Talk to a counselor or if you are religious, talk to one of your church ministers of priests. I'm sure they will be more than happy to lend a hand to you.

    No one should have to go through bullying and betrayal and believe me, I've seen it all and I know how you feel. Good Luck.

  17. I think you may need the help of a good therapist. There are some real good ones out there. Asking for help is the first step and it's also the biggest and the hardest. You have already done the hard one. Talk to your family doctor about giving you the name of someone who may be able to help you.

    I understand not being able to trust people, but, not all people are like the others. There are some good people out there, you'll see.

  18. Try to find a consular  

  19. try to chat with people you have known but have not cared to speak to ,there will be many ,try to make new friends -they may not be able to get as close to you as your previous friends but they may help you feel less lonely,try to make things up with your friends and your bf,if they dont have time for you just dump them ,there are many more people willing to make friends out there, relax about your exams,there are still many more courses out there for you or if you  are really interested in a particular course try again and again but first take some time out,go for a holiday or do something fun ,try to help others like orphans or the old -listening to their problems will make your problems seem tiny and less tough then theirs

    take care

    hope i was of help

  20. You don't always have to talk to anyone about this, you can get your own secret personal diary. In your diary, write ANYTHING you want to say, and don't hold back thinking: what if someone reads this one day?! They will think i'm a crazy sad loser!  NO! Cos it's different, your diary includes your life, and let it all out. A friend can always be your adviser, although don't flood her with problems because every person will get annoyed when you get flooded with problems.  Ask her about her problems too, and share and share until there no longer bottled up. A diary is very cheap, a notebook will do! A friend is free! =]

    Good luck and hope this helps.

  21. u can talk to me if u want to ..

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