
I am so bored and nothing i do makes me any less bored.?

by  |  earlier

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no matter how many games, chat rooms, and websites i go on im always bored!!! my friends are never home, and i need to get a life!!!!!!!!!!!! what do i do?




  1. watch movie,play games computer, read a book.

  2. I know exactly how you feel, why do you think I'm on here. I'm bored out of my mind. Somehow you need to meet up with some friends and do things. Just pick up the phone and call someone and see if they want to do anything. If not, wait until Friday and go out and have some fun.

  3. get a job

  4. You need to get active... whether its playing a sport or going to a camp!

    Pick a summer camp you can go to and sign up! ( you can make friends from that!)

    Get outside and play your favorite sport!

    Go for a walk or bike ride! =]

    Get a simple job( since I have no idea how old you are) babysit, walk dogs!

    Turn on some music and rock out!

    Cook something!

    Good Luck and hope I helped! =]

  5. Find a hobby? Learn to play an instument or a sport...pick up a book, join a club, hit the gym, go to the movies....there's loads to do that doesnt involve being on the internet all day :)

  6. you seriously need to get off the computer, lol your friends are never home, mayb u should try tht too, socialise, do something stupid who cares just get outside, i personally find motocross the ultimate thrill but i guess 'chat rooms' are optional too lol

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