
I am so confused why I stated I was not going to vote for Hillary?

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I was called a woman hater and a bigot. Now that I may vote for Palin, I still hate women and women's rights because Palin is pro-life.

What am I supposed to do? help me.




  1. Vote for Bob Barr. Sounds like He's your Man.  :)

  2. That's self-righteous rhetoric from them. You don't vote for hillary = you hate women. There is no logical transition.

    As for pro-life you'll never convince women that you're not a woman hater even if there is no logical basis for legalised abortions, just a few more ways to use a woman's circumstances to rationalise an act you had no right to commit. Just remembers its ALL about them

  3. not every candidate has every single quality u look for in a leader. they are individuals just like us, and there will always be SUMTHING that people disagree with. I may disagree with palin not being pro-choice but id never say ur a woman hater. You are entitled to vote and for whatever reason it is you dont have to explain. america allows u to vote for whom u want, for watever reason. If sumone has a problem with it, tell them thats not the only reason u decided to vote for them. This isnt u taking sides on a debate of women's rights, ur voting for a president, total difference.  

  4. Oh, honey, you don't hate women because you weren't going to vote for Hilary, or because you are going to vote for Palin, you hate women because you have mommy issues.  

  5. Like Rio said, unless you specifically stated you hated women then they have no logical arguments but thus is American politics. All b.s. and no substance.

    It's much easier to divert attention to someone's supposed sexism(or any other ism)than to form a logical argument against them(if there is one)

    It's a lose-lose situation in politics. If you don't go with the status quo then you are "an uneducated, sexist, racist, superior, moron whose mother should have aborted."

    lol I literally got the above comment when I said I personally could never vote for Obama and then listed proceeded to explain why.

    [Watch the thumbs down I get for even mentioning I don't support Obama]

  6. Just vote for who you think is best.

    You're not obligated to tell others who you're voting for, so if you want to avoid flack, keep it to yourself.  

  7. Unless you said that you weren't going to vote for Hillary simply because she is a woman, they didn't have an argument.

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