
I am so depressed about the environment and hybrid cars, what do I do about it?

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Now that the world has universally accepted climate change is a serious problem and people are motivated now to buy plugin hybrids and alternative fuel cars, I have nothing to protest for anymore.

I have nothing to argue with people about and no conspiracy theories that the truth is being hidden anymore.

What do I do now?




  1. Check in to Guantanamo Bay.  I hear there's something going on over there.

  2. buy yourself a scooter and ride, baby!

  3. sit back and enjoy life

  4. Oh well. Your purpose in life is now fulfilled. You can rest in peace now.

    I'm sure you can argue about g*y marriage or abortion or something.

  5. There is growing awareness of the extent to which degrading our planetary environment endangers the future of humanity and life on earth. If this growing awareness brings you down, then you may wish to:

    (1) Take heart in the fact that for every small step we take to protect the planet, unfortunately we as a species are taking hundreds of steps back

    (2) Make sure to become an active, not passive, member of your local chapter of  environmental plunderers, otherwise known as corporate America (if you are not already an active member)

  6. protest in someting else, like animal abuse.

  7. Accepted by who ?  Is 1% of the population "universal".

    If the biggest hoax in the history of man can get you "depressed", then you need more help then AL Gore.

  8. Well, here's the good news!  The whole corn-for-ethanol thing is a MYTH which politicians have pushed to gain votes.  But now growth of corn, a very inefficient crop (which also allows for vast amounts of soil erosion) has displaced more efficient crops, driven up food prices worldwide, and has accelerated the destruction of the rain forests as now even more trees are being mowed down to convert rain forest land to agriculture... if I were you, I'd protest Corn-For-Ethanol by taking a  Big Sledgehammer to your shiny new hybrid car--that should cheer you up!

  9. There is always something.  Try monitoring the activities to see what's really done to improve the situation.  A lot of it is  political talk and profit-making schemes.  Don't stop, we still need you and others like you.

  10. Research permaculture and peak oil. It will give you plenty to get steamed up about, and permaculture gardening will give you plenty to do.

    I'm not entirely facetious about this, it's fun raising your own food in a limited space.

  11. go out and buy a bag of weed and be happy

  12. find some other mythological cause to take up with the intent of causing human suffering with no real gain?

    you've accomplished nothing so far, told a lot of lies and convinced a lot of ignorant people that all scientists agree.

    the truth is "government employed scientists are forced to agree" while real scientists like Prof. Richard Lindzen, who if i'm not mistaken is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT, lead the charge against this lie.

    Of course i guess i'm a moron believing an MIT professor and his many many peers over such clearly qualified experts as Al Gore.

  13. you could help me --->


  14. Watch this movie, it will give you more conspiracies to think about. You can watch it at this link.

  15. You can use other fuels to fuel your car like vegetable oil and other stuff like that to run your car. whats what i use. you can also use french fri greese but that might not be easy to get your hands on. check out or look up on google how to run you car a healthyer way for the world. peace out my brother.

  16. Well... ride the bus.  If that's not an option because you don't live in a large city, car pool, bike etc.  

    But also things like not leaving appliances on or lights on when you're not using them etc.

    Essentially:  Use less power.

  17. Joint PETA and protest animal testing.  Or make up your own annoying pet cause. People do it all of the time!

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