
I am so excited..Dougie Gilmour as coach for the Leafs!!! Would be fantabulous! Might turn this team around.?

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I am so excited..Dougie Gilmour as coach for the Leafs!!! Would be fantabulous! Might turn this team around.?




  1. I always liked Doug Gilmour when he played for the Leafs.He would make a terrific coach.I would love to see that happen,although I hav'nt heard anything about it on the news yet.Leafs have always been my

  2. Gilmour was a terrific player, but he's never coached before and the last thing the Leafs need is someone who's still learning to coach standing behind the bench.

    I'm not a die-hard Leafs fan, but I do like and follow the team enough to hope that Gilmour does not get the job. Wilson or Quenneville are MUCH MUCH MUCH better choices.

  3. Like I have said to everybody who has suggested this... Doug might make a good Assistant coach, but no way should he become the Head Coach.  He needs the experience of working with an actual head coach to figure out offensive and defensive systems in the new NHL.  But you gotta love Killer.

  4. As a Leafs fan...I'm so embarrassed for you and the idea...

  5. For a team known for it's blunders, this one would rank right up inexperienced coach IMO is probably not the answer.

    With the group they have and their GLARING lack of prospects, it doesn't matter WHO the coach is, HOWEVER, they need to go the way of youth and they should bring in a coach suited for that, in other words, a good experienced TEACHER, not someone who is there because of their name or because they are a fan favorite. You can't let the fans run the team, Gilmour would be another mistake in a long line of mistakes so I guess, in theory, it makes perfect sense.

    Jesus himself could not turn this team around.

    Maybe he should start first as an assisant with the Marlies and gain some experience. Even he knows that he must earn his stripes.

    Also, why are you so excited? Because his name was mentioned in passing and he said he had apirations to be a coach someday? He won't be the Leafs next coach IMO.

  6. What a joke that would be.  Perfect for the Leafs.

  7. they should of got ron wilson

  8. i love dougie, but really i'm so mad at this question that i can't even respond. this is almost as bad as tie dohmi becoming our coach.

  9. I would not want Gilmour as the leafs coach...the only reason a team would take in a retired player with no experience as a coach would be if they were playing in a town thats not really into hockey (see Phoneix) The leafs need a coach that will work on developing players since the leafs dont have any really good prospects...I could see Gilmour go in as assistant GM or scouting like Stevie Y and Brett Hull did

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