
I am so fed up in my job, should i quit and go to uni depsite debts ?

by  |  earlier

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I am 25 this year and always gone from dead end office jobs to the next and i am so unfulfilled !

I want to find a job in a hospital as a trainee on a ward (but pay is less) or go part time and study for a some career in health care. My partner is very unsupportive and wont allow this as we have debts.

I don't know what to do, i feel like i am wasting my life !




  1. Just think about what you want out of life and not what your partner wants. Why are you with someone who is unsupportive? Don't you deserve someone who really loves you, is emotionally there for you and someone you can count on? You should support each other in your life goals and that is not happening right now.

    I think you should definitely go back to college even with debt, in the long run you're better off for having a college education. Why keep going from one dead end job to the next? You will have more opportunities if you major in something good.

    Be strong, sometimes you will be the only person in your corner and in those tough times you have to just do the right thing. Also if you follow your heart then you might find a partner who is supportive and respectful. Its one life, might as well do what you want with it.

  2. well what ever you do try and get married if your not already... makes you guys work harder with each other... and remember your never to young or too old to start lerning 18 and i didnt do high school but im back now and starting a whole bunch of subjects just so i wont regret do yourself a favor and just do it now instead of later!!

  3. First, don't let your partner bring you down. They may have valid points as to the amount of debt you have being an impediment, but ultimately it's your life.

    Do not, for the love of god, get married simply to try to "improve" your relationship, especially if you've got debt. Weddings cost money, debt puts strain on even married couples, and divorce costs A LOT. Absolutely do not get married because you think it will make you stronger: you should get married when you ARE strong.

    As for your career, you're still very young, and lots of people switch careers. You should make sure before you commit however that health care is something you want to pursue (go for it!). do a little research on typicla salaries, typicla duties, typical work days etc..and try to find a friend who works in health care that you can shadow for a few days, to see what it's like.

    If you're worried about going back to school with debt, you should talk to a fee only financial planner. They will be able to help you navigate your finances, as well as tell you how best to approach schooling and debt repayment together (if possible).

    Good luck!

  4. Welcome to the real world. The way things are going today, who knows what will happen in the future? If you go back to school to get some training in health care, who's to tell that there will be a demand  when you graduate?  I know a fellow who wanted to get into law inforcement so he quit his job and after a month, he hated his new job worse that his old  job. Now  he is kicking himself.  

  5. wow one dead end to another buy the sound of it

    not wise to change as nursing is worse off than your current work

    monies are less

    debts build

    arguing starts and become single

    not enough to cover rent and move back home

    oh ok i see what u want

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