
I am so frusterated and annoyed with how things are going. Can someone please give me some advice?

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So, my husband and I were so into having our first child next year. Well, I feel like a looser because I haven't accomplished much..educational wise. I am in college, and the way we planned it I would have one year left of college when the baby is born. I know tons of girls who haven't even started yet, and they have babies. Everyone tells me to just wait or whatever until I'm completly finished, but it's really hard, and plus by then my husband will be out of the airforce. I sort of wanted to have the baby while we were in the airforce because of the great insurance benefits, and we also have our own home that we love. Anyway, Im in an all online program with school. So, there is no going to class or anything like that. What do you think I should do?




  1. I think you should do what you and your husband feel comfortable with doing. I don't think you should worry at all what others are or are not accomplishing.  If you want to do school and have a baby you can. If you want to wait you can wait. NO one knows what you 2 can handle except for you 2.

    Talk to your husband, list the pros and cons then go from there.

    Whatever decision you make will be the right one for you.

  2. Well.... kids are more emotionally and financially draining than anyone can ever imagine until they experience it them selfs.

    Personally, I couldn't do both.  We had our first child while I was in college, and I ended up dropping out.  Here we are, 5 years and 2 sons later, and I just now feel ready to return.  

    Obviously, I have two beautiful boys that I wouldn't change a thing for, and now it's nice to be financially secure enough to be able to go to school full time without working since we are older and more stable, BUT... that doesn't stop me from wondering if maybe it would have been easier to finish school first.

  3. multi task since you go to school online you are still at home and could watch a baby full time if you would like to soak up the benefits of the airforce why not have the baby sooner and why would you feel like a loser for haveing a kid before completing college some moms never complete high school let alone college so dont be too hard on yourself and im sure if you have planed to this extent that you will be an unbelievably great parent no matter when you have a child i think you are mature enough to do both mother a child and attend school at the same time good luck

  4. im an airforce child and my dad just recently reitred from the air force but still works on the bese. im almost 15.

    but when i was a little kid i loved being an air force child and i now actually understand the benefits.

    i think that you should have the child now even if you are still in college.

    the air force brings great benefits.

    Best of Luck :]

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