
I am so healthy! I treat my body so well. =) What is the deal with my acne?

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I'm a vegetarian and I hardly eat any dairy. I take my vitamins and get my good fats, my grains, blah blah blah. I don't drink soda or eat much white flower or things with high fructose corn syrup. I wash my face and I exercise . I don't wear a drop of makeup.

I do have bangs that I don't move out of my face for long periods of time. I probably scratch at it too much. Does that make that much of a difference?

I rinse my face in the morning and wash it at night. I use moisturizer.

I get zits all around my hairline and a few on my chin. Along my cheekbones I have like, a thin layer of it.

I know that going to the dermatologist would be the most effective thing to do, but I want to fix whatever it is that is causing the acne, I don't want to just get rid of it to look pretty.

I used to wash my face with the regular things you buy at the store, but now I go back and forth between castile soap and Lush cosmetics.

Thanks for any suggestions at all!

(could this just be genetic?




  1. genetic maybe.....hormones too

  2. if your habits are fine, then it could be genetics :(. i'm sorry. do your parents or siblings have it? then there isn't too much you can do. i've heard wonders, though, about pro-active, so i would suggest going on that.

    as for washing your face, definitely do not buy regular things at the drugstore. they contain ingredients that do more harm than good for your face. plain castile soap is better, but if you live near a whole foods or trader joe's, or even a CVS pharmacy, check out the natural products aisle. they contain ingredients that are nourishing and good/cleansing for your skin. find a natural/organic cleanser by burt's bees, avalon, alba, etc. i promise they will make a good difference.

    oh, and as for the zits on your hairline, that could probably be attributed to the bangs. oil from your scalp will accumulate under there and create the zits that you do have on your hairline. so have you considered the more side-swept bangs?

    i think what is causing the acne is mainly genetics, with a bit of hygiene habit (hair, choice of cleanser), so if you follow my suggests and go on pro-active, you should notice a decrease in acne, with maybe an occasional zit here and there, which is normal. good luck!

  3. This post may be helpful for you,

  4. - Do not use soap on your face, it is too harsh...invest in proper facial cleansers (I recommend neutrogena, spectro, etc.).

    - Do not EVER touch your face. Do not rub, scratch, rest your head in your hands, brush your hair out of your face, etc. If you must touch your face, be very gently/light about it.

    - Make sure that any make-up and moisturizers you use are Non-Comedogenic, which means they will not clog your pores (it could say this somewhere on the box or container).

  5. Just wanted to congratulate you on treating your body so well! I think thats great. However, have you ever considered another reason for your pimples rather than a physical thing? For example, stress, emotions and hormone cycles? do you notice the pimples are more when you are worried/angry etc? From a natural medicine point of view, pimples are a release of something which is out of balance in the body. The most common thing is excess heat. Do you tend to find you feel hot all the time? Try eating cooling foods such as cucumbers and carrots. If you find these pimples are stressed related prehaps using meditation and yoga might help. Also, pollution in the environment and allergins in face washes etc can also cause pimples. Dont put it on your face if you cant eat it- all natural face wash. Then try moisturising with calendula cream. Also, when you exercise make sure you have a clean towel to pat dry any excess perspiration on the face. Finally, genetics can be a factor so if all above fails then you can assume its your inheritance.  :)

  6. Your eating habits sound good. Acne is not linked to food. If you see a dermatologist he should tell you this.

    Like everyone else has said, genes and hygiene are the most important factors. And your hygiene sounds good, so its probably genes.

    It can be hormonal and some versions of the pill can help. There are other tables like mynomiacin and roaccutane, but I would look at the side effects before going on them

  7. most likely genetic. (or hormones, puberty)

  8. I feel your pain on this one. I had that exact same problem when I do nothing but exercise and eat very healthy foods all the time. I tried every natural remedy under the sun, I put my herbal teas that I drink on my face, I use nothing but healthy oils on my skin and make all of my own homemade products. I gave up on buying anything from a store basically because the ingredients they put in anything these days are c**p.   But I just started using baking soda. Omg, that makes an excellent scrub when you mix it with some oatmeal and water. WOW your face will be soo smooth afterwards.

    And I also realized that its important to cleanse your liver so it works properly.  So I go pick my own dandelions and make tea out of them and I have another recipe I found in my herb book that helps a lot.  First thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything mix this liver cleanser up and drink it down.  You take a glass of warm water, put a pinch of powdered ginger in it, 2 Tablespoons of olive oil in it, and the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon.  This is my latest thing Im trying. Hopefully this works for good!! Good luck!

  9. It could be hormonal if you notice them around the jaw area or whatever. Have you had this problem since puberty?If not and you're getting them now, it is a possibility. Around the hairline could be the hair products that you use-some people are senstive to those ingredients.

    There is a product that i take for female issues, but the side benefit is it also rids you of acne. It is called "cinnamon and poria", and i tell as many people as I can that have this acne problem- it works from within. The company that sells it is  called Radiant Wonder. they have lot's of great products and consultants that will customize a program to suit you for free. They will  make suggestions about things that you can do to improve your health, but if you don't want any of that, you can simply order it and that's it. don't worry i am not affilated with these people at all. I just enjoy learning new things and discovering ways to improve my health. If i know something works , more than likely i will recommend it. The product worked for me anyway. Anytime that I take it after a little while i don't break out. Your acne could be caused by anything- perhaps you may also need to detox also.

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