
I am so mad my school doesn't have volleyball whats should I do???

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They think the only good sports for girls are cheerleading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... I HATE CHEERLEADING!!!!!!!no offense




  1. Petition.

    Your state rules say you have to have the same amount of boys sports as you do girls for fair opportunities.

    if they don't then they have to let you try out for the boys team.

  2. find a Private league or rec center and play there.

  3. join a local volleyball team

  4. Fight the Power!  Seriously, find other girls who want to play volleyball.  Start a petition.  Have your parents attend PTA and school board meetings.  Write up a proposal weighing the pros and cons of the school having a girls volleyball team.  If you can't get it started immediately as an official sport, see what it would take to start a club.  Usually you just need a teacher (even outside of the PE department) to sponsor you.

    Good luck!

  5. play football - no i mean "soccer" not that other fake american football where they use their hands

  6. I hate cheerleaders too! I love volleyball though. You could join a club team, or petition the school board to get a v- ball team started.

  7. Definately GET SOME ADULTS INVOLVED! you are more likely to get positive results and someone to listen to your ideas when you have an adults' me. Go to your principal ask him about having a volleyball team-tell him you can have a fundraiser to raise up enough money: equipment, jerseys, and whatnot...that would totally get his attention when you say that-then he will know that you are really serious and are already looking ahead...OR______ASk or talk to your principal {with an adult,or two} and see if you can create a petition_ Make a deal or plan with the adult and princial that if at least 30 girls sign the petition and later agree to a fundraiser and whatnot_ then he/she would consider having a volleyball team..............GOOD LUCK!!!!!                      

    oh and at my school ( i play on the 7 th grade volleyball setter..yeah*cough*) the sports are

         GIRLS                                              Boys

    volleyball                                         wrestling

    basketball                                       basketball

    track                                                track

    softball                                             baseball

    football                                             football

    cheerleading                                          uhhhhhh


  8. what other sports do you have in your school?

    if you only like volley ball then you should talk to you teacher and tell her you should post if their shoul be volleyball or not?

  9. Try to get ur friends to at least try then they might try it if they don't join a different volleyball team

  10. If you're that keen to do Volleyball, why not see if there are any classes you could attend outside school hours? or, if you could round up enough people in school who would be interested, speak to one of your teachers.

  11. Find a few like minded girls and their parents and attend a school board meeting.

    School Boards are the most spineless organizations in history and you can probably convince them to fund volleyball, mention Laws like "Title 9", which doesn't apply, but they won't even know that.

    You missed the boat for this year, but you are ahead of the curve for next year.

    Good Luck.

  12. ask your student council representative. if you dont have one, ask the person in charge of intramurals and extramurals.

  13. Go and talk to your principle and see what he or she can do. That's what my sister did, the school didn't have a soccer team and because her and her friends went to talk to the principle and the school officials, the school now has a soccer them. They've had one for almost four years now.

    My little sister graduated last year.

  14. Have your parents erect one in your back yard

  15. Stop complaining and take action!!

    Take a survey of students, (do this with a professional attitude: print petition sheets out and have students sign them), then take it to the school board meetings with you arguments as to :1) How this would benefit your school, a) bring in revenue for games b) supports sports and physical activity of the females in your school c) it will avoid possible discrimination law suits for the school for not having any sporting activities for young ladies.

    Also, rally support support among the parents too!!

    Well, good luck. Remember , nothing worth having ever comes without a struggle for getting it! And it will help you gain knowledge and character.

  16. Many people don't know about the club and/or Jr. Olympic programs that exist in certain cities.  See if there is anyone affiliated with volleyball and then ask them.  Look for it on the internet.

  17. If enough of your fellow students are also interested in playing volleyball, you could petition your school to form a team. If this doesn't work, you could look for a league outside of school in your community.

    Good luck to you.

  18. Do you go to a public school because if you do just join your parish school's team.

  19. Usuallly, if you have enough interest in the sport and go to the Board of Education, you can get it added for the next year. This is especially true if there are more boys sports than girls...Title NIne...equal opportunity and all.

    YOu can always play USA club volleyball....go to and find the club closest to where you live. It's a blast!

  20. What other sports does your school have?

    I teach at a Jr. high. We are required to have the same amount of sports for boys as there are for girls.

    Girls at our school can play basketball, volleyball, or be on the track team. Seems weird cheer leading is the only option.

    If the boys have more sports at your school than girls, get the parents involved. Believe me, the administration ONLY listens to parents (not teachers or students)

    good luck

  21. play chess! basketball???

  22. okok... all u gotta do is get a bunch of ppl together and have them sign a petition that u want a vb team. write a letter 2 da skool board explaining that your school should have more choices for girls sports, like soccer and vb, so more ppl will get active and intrested in extra curricular activities. in the letter, include the petition. be polite and say please. good luck!!

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