
I am so mad!!! what would you do?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I live in a apartment and I sleep from 4am to 12pm. Our car was stolen 3 weeks ago so im little on edge about my safety. Today at 9:00am I hear A loud knock at my door, I didnt answer , Then I hear my door being unlocked, I jumped up in bed and hear someone walking up our stairs, I start looking around my room for something to use as a weapon and I hear him say "maintanence man" Then my dog flipped out started barking and growling as loud as she could then I heard him stop and turn around and leave, im assuming he thought the dog was loose in the aparment and didnt want to get bit. (good thing he didnt see her she is a 8lb lap dog that like to sound tough) . So he left. I was scared out of my mind !!! Since when is it ok for apartment workers to enter your home without permission without a 48hr notice!!!! How does he know tht just cause I dont answer the door that Im not in the shower or sleeping or having s*x for gods sake.

What would you do??




  1. First thing you need to do is go straight to the management office or the super of the building and let him know that NO ONE is authorized into you dwelling with at least 48 hours notice.  You probably have it written in your lease and did not see it.  Yet they have no right but allow them the ONE TIME slip up and move on mistakes happen.

  2. I can see why you would be mad, I would too. Not taking the bad theft experience into account, it is still very wrong for the maintenance man or anyone to come into your apartment without letting you know ahead of time, or even knocking first. I think it's unacceptable for someone to come into your place without getting permission or a reply from you that it's ok to come in. True, what if you are busy, in your privacy and you cannot open at the time? I would definitely talk to the manager or the owner and get them to change the way things work. I completely understand your situation.  

  3. fu(k that *****

  4. next time u see him just say ring the door 1st  dont just walk in  i would kick his little *** that was  d**n rude they suposed to give ya notice.

  5. I would verbally and in writing strongly complain to the landlord advising them that this sort of situation better not happen again.  What the maintenance man did was wrong.  Did you call maintenance because of a problem?  If not, why was he there to begin with?  If approved by the landlord (and not you) for general reasons (such as checking up on the tenants, routine maintenance on the furnace or A/C, etc.), then you're absolutely right, 48 hours notice needs to be given prior to any entry into your apartment or house.  You need to make sure the landlord is aware of the situation and your feelings about it.

  6. File a written complaint with your land lord and the company.  Demand an apology and explanations.  

  7. Call your apartment management office and ask whether or  not they know of someone from maintenance coming to your unit for any reason.

    At our condo the exterminator comes once a month.  They knock and if they don't get an answer they just let themselves in.  They always come on the same day so we know to expect them.

    If you're concerned about whoever took your car having your house keys go to Lowe's and there is $10 kit you can by to re-key your locks.

  8. It was not OK for the maintenance man to enter your apartment without prior authorization. If he needed to come in to check on something he should have announced himself after opening the door but before entering the apartment. You need to file a complaint with the building manager.

    I had an incident happen in an prior apartment. I came home from work to find a guy in my apartment changing the thermostat for the furnace. I told him to stop what he was doing and leave. I immediately called the manager to complain. Turned out the idiot manager had given the guy the wrong apartment number.  

  9. If he was completely unannounced, I think walking into your house like that is really out of line. Call his boss and let them know what happened.

    But if your husband had arranged for him to be there at that time, that's pretty much okay, he just should've knocked instead of walking in.

  10. Of course you should be! Write a complaint! What are you wasting your time asking this question for while you could be getting someone fired!

  11. check your contract our maintenance men do it ALL the time and its ridiculous but they are within their legal right  

  12. It was always 24-48 hours verbal notice for all my landlords.  they'd never even stop by unannounced.  and certainly cant just enter without your consent (He DID key in though... and if he had a key, you can safely assume that he is who he declared himself to be.)

    Complain, and then voice your frustration and say that next time you would like a verbal notice!

    My suggestion, I dont know if you are pro or anti guns.. but it might be a good idea to get yourself a home defense weapon that's better than a lamp post or kitchen knife.  Especially since you sound like you live in a higher crime area.  

    (if that were my apartment and a man entered thru the door without announcing first, or even knocking.. that man would have a 12 gauge at his head or be ordered to his knees to identify himself... you cant be too careful in this day in age unfortunately.)

  13. I agree that standard practice is for apartment owners to give notice (at the very least 24 hours) before they enter your apartment for scheduled maintenance. The only time they should enter your apartment "at will" is if something needs repaired immediately (ex: broken pipe flooding the downstairs neighbors).

    If I were you, I would call the supervisor and let them know you were unaware of any scheduled maintenance and would appreciate it if, in the future, they would give you at least 24 hour notice before entering your apartment. You could also ask them to review their policy with you (their policy may be they can enter your apartment unannounced at any time - which you probably agreed to in the lease agreement).

    I think most apartment owners are sensitive to the privacy of their tenants. As long as you approach them in a professional manner I'm sure they will be willing to accommodate you.

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