
I am so paranoid. I have herpes and delivered my baby vaginally. Shoudl I be worried?

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My doctor said it was totally fine to deliver if I did not have an outbreak at the time. My baby is a week old. I can't help but think that I may have exposed her. I was comfortable in my doctor's guidance, but now that she's here, I keep looking for any little sign of a problem. How would I know if I have passed it on to her? It's making me sick with worry.




  1. Don't worry, the chance of passing it to her is so minimal. I am sure she is fine!

    Those drug commercials do what they do best. Scare people into thinking they need whatever drug they are selling.

    Smile./ have a new healthy baby. You did your job, now relax!

  2. My mom had it and had all of us just fine.

    To put this in greater perspective, an estimated 20-25% of pregnant women have genital herpes, while less than 0.1% of babies contract an infection.

    Transmission rates are lowest for women who acquire herpes before pregnancy -- one study (Randolph, JAMA, 1993) placing the risk at about 0.04% for such women who have no signs or symptoms of an outbreak at delivery. The chances of transmission are highest when a woman acquires genital herpes late in pregnancy.

  3. I would have her blood checked-the only thing that would give you peace of mind.Remember herpes is caused by a virus and no antibiotic on this world would cure it.Good Luck!!

  4. you can have the doc do a blood test which will tell you about her!

  5. Can't her pediatrician test her blood?

  6. Don't worry Sweets, if it wasn't OK, your doc wouldn't have allowed it (neither would have any of the other docs and nurses around). Being a new mom is all about being paranoid about everything (Is it Ok for her to drool that much!? Is his head too big!? I don't think his legs look right...) You just happen to have a worry you can focus on (and one you can beat yourself up about). Welcome to the Big World of Mama Guilt! Oh yes, you will feel guilty for the goofiest things (like taking a shower or heaven forbid - going out alone for an hour!). Don't beat yourself up, Mama, this is all totally normal stuff. Congrats on the new baby (you sound like you're a great mom)!

  7. Did you take anti-virals before delivery?  When was the last time you had an outbreak, and dd you have one during labour?

    If you're like me, you know when you're about to get an outbreak.  If you are sure you didn't have one when you delivered, then it should be fine.  My doctor had me start anti-viral medication a month before my due date.  I ended up having a c-section, so it didn't matter in the end.

  8. well if your doctor said its cool, then it probably is. dont worry about it, take it easy.

  9. I have genital herpes as well, and have had 2 healthy babies via vaginal delivery.

    I am pregnant with #3 and will hopefully be having another vaginal delivery.

    My OB/GYN was aware of my situation, and advised me to use my meds for 2 weeks prior to delivery.

    I am sure your doctor was supervising you with care. Try not to worry so much, enjoy your baby!

  10. ewww dat sucs zorry

  11. My moms friend was told that it is never really safe to deliver vaginally with herpes because even when you don't have an outbreak it can still be spread.  They even say that on the one commercial for the herpes medicine.  You won't know if it caused any problems atleast not for awhile.  I would just let the pediatrician know that you do have it and that you didn't have an outbreak but that you did deliver vaginally and are concerned and they can tell you if there is anything you should be on the look out for.  

  12. If you are worried, you could have them take a blood test. Chances are the doctor is right, but one never knows. So I can sure understand your worry. I know you probably know this, but just in case you don't: Of course this refers to "preg. but it mentions near open sores, so your dr. is probably right and you did not pass it on.

    Q. Does genital herpes cause problems during pregnancy?

    A. Yes. If the mother is having her first outbreak while she is pregnant, she is more likely to pass the virus to her baby. If the outbreak is not the first one, the baby's risk of getting the virus is very low. Babies born with herpes may be premature or may die, or they may have brain damage, severe rashes, or eye problems. Doctors may do a C-section to deliver a baby if the mother has herpes lesions near the birth canal to help prevent passing the virus. Also, acyclovir can help babies born with herpes if they are treated right away.

    It is not yet known if all genital herpes drugs are safe for pregnant women to take. Some doctors may recommend acyclovir be taken either as a pill or through an IV (a needle into a vein) during pregnancy. Let your doctor know if you have genital herpes, even if you are not having an outbreak. He or she will help you manage it safely during pregnancy.

    Q. Can I breastfeed if I have genital herpes?

    A. If you have genital herpes, you can keep breastfeeding as long as the sores are covered. Herpes is spread through contact with sores and can be dangerous to a newborn. If you have sores on your nipple or areola, the darker skin around the nipple, you should stop breastfeeding on that breast. Pump or hand express your milk from that breast until the sore clears. Pumping will help keep up your milk supply and prevent your breast from getting engorged or overly full. You can store your milk to give to your baby in a bottle at another feeding. If the parts of your breast pump that contact the milk also touch the sore(s) while pumping, you should throw the milk away.

  13. get the baby tested for it

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