
I am so peeved off! Is this reasonable?

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I could not take his car because there is not a baby seat in it.




  1. wow. that's a lot of work! i would be peeved, but i'm sure he's still going through a hard time. just let him know you love him and understand, but you are also pregnant and have 5 children and you would appericate help. maybe designate a time he and you can have time to yourselves.

    lord you have a lot of kids! i can barely handle ONE!

  2. I agree with you, life still has to happen. No matter what is going on.. I lost my daughter at 19 weeks and gave birth to her. Came home from the hospital and still got my children up to go to school and cooked cleaned etc.. all while my husband sat his A$$ on the PS3 all night. Lets just put it this way men can be little weenies at times.. and they don't deal with life like us women do. We have to suck it up alto and we should not however do not allow him to act like this. next time before he leaves tell him what you expect from him like I would like you home by to help me with the family and cooking etc...

    Hope you feel better and just start demanding help...

  3. that is very nice from him that he can walk away from it all and get space when he needs and wants it. I sure don't have that luxury! Having kids takes that away from you. I would be upset too. It is one thing to need space when you don't have kids... but when you have kids, and need space, you don't get to just walk away from it all.

  4. Men can not understand the strain being pregnant puts on the woman. How was he during your last pregnancies? This could be his way of dealing with things and preparing himself again. (I know there is no excuse) but talk to him expalin how you are feeling that you are tired and need help with the small things like getting the kids ready for bed and if he grabs the shopping on his way home fromwhere ever it will take the stress away from you. He is probably going through a rough patch about his parents but you are his family 2 and need his support!!!!

  5. I think you're being reasonable.

    Like you said, when his mum passed away you kept it all together and organised everything so he could grieve, surely he could help you out when you're heavily pregnant.

    You actually sound like a pretty amazing wife!

    I think you need to confront him about this, yes he's having a rough time but he's just not pulling his weight, and your marriage should be a team effort, not something he can take time off from when things get a bit too tough.

    Talk to him, because otherwise you might start resenting him for the times he wasn't there to help, and that could have long term effects on your relationship with him.

  6. Wow, i agree with Hopies5, I know he is stuggling mentally & emotionally with the loss of one of his parents (and the other ill) but no matter how much someone is hurting, they shouldn't expect a heaviliy pregnant women with (was it 5?) kids to do everything, your both obviously going through a tough time (pregnancy, grieving) and he needs to stop being so selfish and work this out.

    I do think you need a good long chat (non judgemental, try not to argue)! about how your going to plan your days in the future and how to handle things.

    Hope this helps, best of luck.


  7. I'm nearly 23 weeks pregnant so ill probably give you some bad advise due to hormones and all that i think it was rude of him and he should be a bit more considerate next time i think you have been more then fair when its come to how he feels so he could do a bit of the same when it comes to yours im sick of inconsiderate men lol next time leave him the dishes and some house work for when he gets home  

  8. Firstly they are his kids as much as yours & he should be taking more responsibility... in the same breath, he's just gone through quite an ordeal, it's not easy to lose a parent & remember that he's losing his dad too from the sound of it.

    Just relax don't get your self worked up because it's not good for the baby especially...

    Just calmly  talk to him when he gets home, and tell him that you know he's going through a difficult time, but you are battling & would appreciate him communicating with you more.

    Try & get the older kids to help you out a bit.

    Good luck... x*x

  9. I think he is trying to escape reality.  You two need to have an heart to heart, non judgmental talk.  Good Luck.

  10. Just think if it was the other way around, wouldn't you like space?

    I reckon if you're really peeved say something to him, just to let him know and see what he says

  11. maybe you shouldnt have taken such a long nap???????????? i think you are both being selfish! my mum pasted away at a young age last sept and i only took two weeks off. maybe you shouldnt have had another child if you dont want the responsibily! sorry!

  12. I think that this is probably a really hard time for him and i can understand how he would need some space but you sure do have the right to be upset. He should still understand that this isn't easy for you either on top of your the pregnant one. I would sit him down and let him know that you understand that he is having a hard time but that he still needs to talk to you about his feelings and what he is doing. I mean maybe you guys could get a sitter and get away for a little while before the baby comes. Do something to relieve the stress. Let him know that he can trust in you and that you understand his feelings but that you guys also need to think about the children. :) GOOD LUCK!  

  13. Although he is reasonably needy at this point, so are you.  I would try to put the anger aside and have a long chat with him.  Let him know how you want to support him, but also tell him how you are...both physically and emotionally.  He's probably grieving and depressed.  In that state, its easy to overlook the needs of the ones around you.  Maybe he needs a little wake up call.

  14. I think you should be greatful for having a good husband who is willing to support you and six kids and stop whining

  15. well done hun is all i can say..its so not fair...its like guys getdifferentrules in life but they think you can just handle it all...and because we do...they end up taking it all for granted and in the end looking really selfish,, (no offense guys)...kep it up hun but id give him ablasting when he gets home...especially for not calling..communication is the key to everything,,,

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