
I am so tired all the time!?

by Guest59031  |  earlier

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I have three children (6, 4 and 10 months) and I only work a part time job, when I get off work all I feel like doing is sleeping! I feel so lazy, seriously it takes all I have just to do the laundry and clean up the house. I'm strating to feel like a bad mom bc I don't the energy to play with my children. My daughter wants to play barbies and son wants to play cars and I find myself telling them that we'll do it later and I never seem to do it. I really want to and I always tell myself that I will but I just don't. I'm not depressed in anyway, I am a very happy person and I love my kids and life I just can't seem to find any energy. What can I do?




  1. try increasing your iron intake and start a good multi vitamin

  2. I had the same problem and started taking a vitamin B-12 (2500 mg) in the afternoon.  It keeps me going for the rest of the work day and I still have some energy left when I get home.

  3. just do the best you can, do you have someone to help you?  I feel that way too!  it can be really frusterating.  When you you feel up to it make playtime that much more fun with your kids..  You have your hands full.

  4. Check with your doctor.  I had a time when I had the exact same problem and could not for the life of me figure out how I had become so lazy.  Turns out I was anemic, and when I got put on an iron supplement I was magically not lazy anymore! It was a major relief that it was a medical condition and not a character flaw.  Other medical conditions can also cause extreme fatigue.

  5. do you possibly get home 15 to 30 minutes before they come home? if yes have a quick nap. It works wonders for me.

  6. Forget housework, play with your babies!  Have them pitch in to help with some of the major cleaning.  My 3 year old helps a bit and does a wonderful wonderful as a 3 year old can do~~

  7. I would ask my doctor for a few blood tests

    1. to check for anemia

    2. to check my b-12 levels

    3. to test for thyroid problem(TSH AND T4 levels)

    all of those things can make you feel tired.......and all are fixable with it multivitamins or medication

  8. You sound overextended. You are not a bad mom! You are doing your very best to provide a good life for your kids and that is admirable!

    I would definitely suggest you get a check up just to rule out any possible medical problems, like low iron levels. You should make sure you get enough sleep, eat healthy, and take a good multi vitamin.

    It's also imortant to make some time for you! A happy healthy mommy is the best gift to your kids. :)

    You can also have your 6 yr. old be a mommy's helper sometimes. Let him/her help around the house. They are old enough to dust, set the table, help fold laundry, etc.

    Then, maybe set aside a little time each day for some family fun time and/or individual time with your little ones. Just remember, it doesn't have to be hours of time to count. It's quality over quantity.

  9. Take a good multi vitamin and stop being so hard on yourself. Taking care of three kids is a lot. I can only imagine considering I struggle with just two. Maybe you can get your eldests to help with housework?

  10. Don't feel bad...I know where you are coming from.  I've been in the same situation.  Yes, the B-12 helps, but I would take it late morning so that you will be able to go to sleep.  When my B-12 didn't work anymore, I knew something was wrong.  I went to my doctor and she did some simple blood work and determined I had low iron and low vitamin D levels.  I wouldn't suggest starting taking these.  Consult with you doctor.  

    My mom has always told me, that the house work isn't going anywhere, so enjoy your children!  Ask your husband and 6 yr old to help with certain chores.  Even your 4 yr old can help tidy up and do small chores.  Put on a kid CD and you all start singing and cleaning!  Good Luck!

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