
I am so torn between finding out the s*x of my baby or not....It is up to you mommies!?

by Guest45229  |  earlier

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I cannot decide at all, one day I want to know one day I don' I am leaving it up to everyone on here, Whatever you mommies suggest most on here, based on your experiences or just what you are doing. Thanks!

Oh and I have a daughter already so if it was a girl I have everything for a girl and if it is a boy I have everything for a boy because my sister has a 2 month old and is willing to give me all of her stuff because she doesn't want anymore I'm set either way!




  1. I found out with all 3 of my kids. I thought about not finding out, but always had to. The suspense would kill me, and I hate only buying and getting neutral items.

  2. My husband and I are opting NOT to find out ahead of time.  We want it to be a surprise.  What a lovely surprise after having to go through the labour and delivery!  If you are set either way, then why not wait it out.

  3. If they could tell the s*x of the baby, then I would find out.  I have 3 sons, and with my first I had one ultrasound and they couldn't tell.  That was exciting not knowing until the end, but with my other 2 they could tell and I opted to know.  Much better that way.  Good luck 2 you!

  4. I decided to find out because I figured it would be a surprise at 19 weeks or a surprise when the baby is born. This is my first so I really wanted to know for buying purposes. But, as for the surprise I would feel surprised either way!

    I love referring to my baby as John or "him" when he kicks me or I need to describe him to someone else.

  5. Find out! I feel as though you'd be more prepared mentally and you would get a chance to get their room ready and all of that. Technology these days needs to be utilized!

  6. we found out as soon as we could.  the wy i saw was going to be a surprise no matter what.  it would be a surprise the day he was born, or the day they told me.  it wasn't really a big surprise though because i knew it was a boy!  LOL!

  7. i say find out now! you can name him/her and he/she will learn it now and you still dont know what your baby looks like! so your still getting a surprise!

  8. Since it is the 2nd baby I would let it be a surprise.

    I am finding out with mine but it is my first, I would love to have a surprise baby one day.

  9. I am only 8 weeks but I don't want to find out when the time comes--my husband really wants to know, but I am hoping to talk him out of it!  I don't want to set up too many expectations for my unborn child based on what gender they are--we plan out their lives far enough without factoring that in!

  10. I didn't find out with my daughter, and it was a lot of fun ~ hard and sometimes torturous, but fun! It was really special when she was born, and my husband told me what it was! It was great to hold onto that little secret until the end...

  11. I agree that it is a surprise whenever you find out... I found out at 20 weeks, and was so surprised and excited then, I never regretted knowing.  Also, I loved buying all the nursery items and clothing ahead of time, and just planning on my little boy, instead of the surprise coming later.  

  12. i have 2 boys and i'm pregnant with my third.  i found out with both of mine, but i want this one to be a surprise.  my husband on the other hand says he has to know, so we'll see.  good luck

  13. I found out with all of mine. All my babies were 5 years apart so it was like I was starting over each time. I think if you have everything you need then wait and let it be a surprise.  

  14. These days everyone wants to know before and that is fine but when I had my daughter the excitement of hearing the doctor say "Its a girl" was such a wonderful feeling I would never have traded that moment for anything in the world!

    Maybe I am a bit old fashioned but I would wait.  

  15. I couldn't decide if I wanted to find out either, but my husband was desperate to know. We did find out that we were having a boy and I am glad we did because I feel much more bonded to him already. I can refer to him with a name and speak to him as my baby not a ?. On the other hand if the ultrasound was wrong we will have to change a lot of stuff!

    I may not find out with our next one, but I am glad that I did this time.

  16. Find out!!! You can pick and give them a name and it'll be more personal if you do!!

  17. I recently found out... We were not going to, we were going to do the long wait! But we were right there in the moment and just asked to check and see what it was...It was a BOY!

    I was already in love with my baby 100% before i knew who he was and now that i know the s*x, I have fallen 100% more in love! It makes the pregnancy feel more real. I think the real surprise is seeing who the baby looks like and staring at them for hours...FIND OUT! good luck and congrats!

  18. I didn't find out for my first because I had to buy everything anyway so we waited.  Well, I am now 16 weeks pregnant with twins and are hoping to find out the s*x on Thursday so I can have more time to prepare.  If I would only be pregnant with one baby, we would have still found out the s*x.

    **Thinking Pink and Thinking Blue!!!

  19. This is my first child so I'm going to want to know for sure! I need to know so I can have everything all set-up for his or her arrival.

  20. I think that you should wait if you can that would be so nice =] specially since you have baby stuff!

    Then you can have a baby shower after the baby is here.

    Thats what a few of my friends did.

    Good luck!

  21. I wouldn't find out.  I prefer the surprise.  Also, they aren't 100% accurate.  I'd be happy either way if surprised.  But if I was certain it was one or the other, I might be disappointed if it turned out to not to be what I was told.  Even though I wouldn't have been to begin with.  Also, I figure that God could easily have made it apparent to mothers what gender they were having ahead of time, and I'm willing to accept that He must have had a good reason for leaving it a surprise!

  22. I have had this both ways-

    Finding out is nice because you feel more connected to the baby earlier- calling them by their name- etc.  It also gave me a little more time to read up on circumcision (didn't do it) because it was a boy.

    Surprise- there is just nothing like hearing "It's a girl" (or boy) for the first time and seeing your little miracle.  

    If I have another- it will be a surprise.  They can't tell they're wearing green and yellow for the first few months anyway.  

  23. with my 1st i wanted to know the se because if it was a boy i would name it after his dad that died before it was born but it was a girl

    with my second i didnt find out the s*x because my partner wanted itto be a surprise

    and with this one i still havent made a decision

    good luck and congrats i would proberly prefer to know but it is al up to you hunny  !!!!!

  24. I was torn as well but for me it will be harder to prepare not knowing... My husband and I have decided to find out the s*x... We are going Sep. 4 which happens to be my 25th b-day (lol) I hope the baby is willing to show. Good luck!

  25. That is a personal decision.  I personally do not want to know this time around.  I did the first 2 times and after finding out I felt like the pregnancy was so slow.  This time I want to feel what it's like to not know and call everyone with the big surprise in the hospital.  I just hope the Dr's don't slip up.....

    You could have them write it on a paper and then if you can't take it, you can open it.  But your Dr. will have it on file so you could just ask him also.  

    I am all about the surprise of it this time around, but understand those that want to know.

  26. I always wanted to know. Not only to be able to start planning, but to come up with a good name.

    I'm not good with surprises.

  27. I found out the s*x of my baby.

    I had a gut feeling that it was a boy and i wanted to know for sure.

    I love knowing because instead of saying "the baby" we call him by his name now.

    Plus i like being able to buy blue instead of just yellow to stay neutral.

  28. I found out ASAP.  My husband and I both work but its real expensive and we wanted to be prepared.  I say find out.

  29. it sounds like you have lot of things for either a boy or girl so why let it bother u... i have 2 girls and a boy.. i is more like u want to shout it to the world about the s*x of the baby, but just think of it as his/her first little secret and capture the moment in your mind .. charish being pregnant and leave the rest for the days to come...

  30. DONT DO IT!! im 26 weeks pregnant and we havent found out it feels so nice people guessing! and betting! haha. and guessing yourself! ur going to no soon anyway and itl give u a big suprise when ur baby is born! loads of ppl i know who found out have said it spoiled it and when the docs said....for example....its a boy! they was like yea i know. haha.

    i think ppl who find out are boring and to eager. that scan isnt for finding out the gender its a really important scan to see if ur baby is healthy and the heart and brain r ok. what does it matter what it is??  

  31. im not a mommy but you should find out!

    well you already havbe all the stuff you need ig uess but my "sister-in law" had a baby and she didnt find out and it was so hard to talk about the baby, buy things, and everything.

    of course because instead of he.she we'd have to say it or baby and ya I want to bond with my child! hehe

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