
I am so worried about my 8 year old brother?

by Guest62025  |  earlier

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This is the situation. My brother is always happy no matter what. Actually, that's a good thing, but at school, some classmates start bothering him and making cruel jokes. (He's Korean and he's such a naive person). I wanted to talk to them, because my brother's health is at stake, but I'm afraid 8 year old brats won't stop at this. My brother accused them many times to his teacher, but all she does is always irrelevant. It's like "Don't bother Victor or you'll see." You'll se what? My younger brother being a depressed emo kid when he gets older just because you punk people do nothing about it?

What should I, as his older brother, do?




  1. One thing you should do,

    is tell your parents.

    Other than that,

    you really just need to let the problem sort its self out.

    They will eventually get tired,

    or he'll learn to do it back.

    He will find a way to cope with it.

    He won't be depressed,

    and emo is a fad.

    He will be normal,

    we have all been teased,

    and harrased.

    We have found ways to deal with it,

    like joke back,

    sometimes people do need to be hit so they realize it,


    I'm not saying for you to got vigilante style.

    But, I'm also not telling you to listen to over pretective parents on here.

    I'm saying, hundreds of years before people decided kids needed to be pampered and decied they had ADHD and ADD,

    kids were hit,


    and punished.

    They grew up to be doctors and lawyers and all sound of mind.

    If anything, this is conditioning for what he will see and endure in about a decade,

    just chill and sit back.

    But watch, make sure he isn't having his lunch tray smashed out of his hand,

    or tripped,

    or beaten up.

    Other than that, they are just jokes.

    Kids are cruel, but they have been for hundreds of years.

    Just consider this.

    I'm not making you do anything.

  2. call a hot line or talk 2 ure parents

  3. do your parents know talk to them

    go to the head of the school and say your worried and you spoke to his teacher etc

    have a talk with your brother see what he says and if you can help out

    but mainly talk to your parents!


  4. My eight year old son is going through the same things he has been marked at school as a trouble maker also, so the other kids can say he did something and the teachers take it as gold no questions asked,My son is very strong in other situations such as he would bend over backwards to help his teacher and friends and the teachers see the good  him  for this, so find a strong point in your bro and have him show this off on a daily basis and people will find a better respect for him in due time tell him to go out of his way to treat everybody good and they will eventually want him around and they will feel so bad and eventually stop. tell him not to get angry or respond with anger just smile and go on they will give up on picking on him and by the end of the year the teacher will see and have good things to say about him.and they will see him differently this will take time though your bro is lucky to have you on his side.

  5. Tell your parents to talk to the parents of the kids that are doing this to your brother.  

    Trust me, teachers fall asleep on the issue.

    I have seen so many good, quiet kids suffer at the hands of other kids and even after adults know what's going on, NOTHING is done!

    Tell your parents RIGHT NOW!!

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