It is a long story but i'll make it short. My father has been on my case for finishing my college degree ever since i was little girl. But when i got married i planned to finish but i got pregnant (twins) accidently. Now I am very busy mom, hardly have time for myself. Going back to school is very very hard. The reason I went to college was to please my father. But i like beauty school all my life. He is very old fashioned man. I am thinking about being makeup artist because its what i love, and am good at. Although i do have an associates degree, my father thinks its NOTHING. I am so stressed out, every time i go to his house, he askes me what i did. Its crazy. I love my father to death, but he need to back off. How can i tell him too, my husband knows what i like and he is supporting me to go to beauty school. How can i tell my father without him freaking out. I am afraid if he gets too stressed out about it. I am sooo stressed out, i can't eat/sleep/ do things. Please any advice. thanks