
I am soon going to pick my GCSE's at school so I would like to work out what my ideal job would be??

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I like working with children, I also like photography, I am also quiet good at working with hair. The main one for me though is having a job where I could work with children and if you know also, how much it pays, thanks x




  1. Childminding

    The average pay in London is 4 pounds but for the rest UK it is 3 pound. But if you are unsure whether you want this or not just try it out. I mean just ask a childminder whether you could just help around. That will give you an idea

  2. Be a baby sitter now since your yound and love working with children. Maybe laster in life you can have your own photo shooting company and you can do the peoples hair and makeup and then shoot the photo. The prices you get payed depend on how much you charge for a photo.

  3. take one pf the tests where it matches you up to your perfect job - ucas has one i think, and many job/career websites

  4. The website is really good. It gives you descriptions of different jobs and I did a random search for you to check what it would say and the job profile includes the job description, the salary, the hours and working conditions etc. Also how you would go about it to getting the qualifications. It includes tools, for example an assessment to see what skills and interests you have and it suggests jobs for you based on your answers. You can also chat on-line to a careers adviser. I hope this is of help and good luck!

  5. there are a million different things you coulld go into from what you like. the best thing is to enquire at your local college, but there are various AS levels and BTECs in things such as social care, childrens nursing and midwifery.

    You dont have to figure it out now, even if you start out in photography. Im 17 and started college last year, realisd i wasnt readyy so now im waiting a year or so. JUst dont rush in to making a decision.

  6. You have plenty of time for that. I've just finished my A levels and have no idea what I want to do. I'm taking a gap year and then going to university next year and I don't doubt that by then I still won't know what I want to do. And even if I choose a career during or after uni, it can always be changed later in life.

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