
I am soon heading off to work on my first archaeological survey project....any advice for me?

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I am soon heading off to work on my first archaeological survey project....any advice for me?




  1. Sunscreen, broad rimmed hat, and asprin.  Have fun!

  2. Oooh, have fun!  Okay, you're doing a survey.  For equipment, you'll need a metric ruler, a clipboard, and some pencils and Sharpies.  You'll also want sunscreen, and always use it, even on cloudy days.  Take lots of water.  If you're sweaty, like me, take Gatorade, too.  I seriously have to drink some every day when it's hot or I get sick.  Also, make sure you have plenty of ibuprofen and band-aids on hand.  Even if you're buff, you'll be working some new muscles, and you'll definitely get some new calluses shovelling.  Also, pack a lunch and throw a couple extra granola bars in there.  It's a long, long time between early morning and lunchtime.

    Getting an electric hotplate and some cheap dishes will make life in a hotel easier.  Go out and have fun with your coworkers, too.  There will probably be lots of drinking out there.  That ibuprofen and Gatorade will come in handy the next morning, too.  Also, never be afraid to ask questions.  Are you going off into CRM?  CRM archaeology's a lot different from academic, so don't be shy about what you don't know.  You'll also be going a lot faster than you ever did in school, but don't worry if you're slow at first.  You'll get faster.  Oh, and, with the cold weather, layering is your friend.  Several shirts is better than a coat, because you can adjust as the temperature and the work you're doing changes.

    Hey, if you are doing CRM, I hope to see you out there someday.  Where are you going?

  3. LOTS of water, toilet paper, tylenol, sunscreen, and a good sense of humor.

  4. A spray bottle for water to keep you cool (evaporative cooling brings great relief in those hot climates),  a firm foam kneeling pad for those knees that will be getting a good workout, a broad brimmed hat, lots of sunscreen, a few water purification tablets (you don't want "Montezumas Revenge" getting the best of you), some Off bug spray and a bugscreen tent for your sleeping bag and patience, patience, patience. Happy Hunting! You will appreciate a few of you favorite snacks too. You may find yourself a long way from the "corner market".

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