
I am soon trying to migrate to ireland, any suggestions or tips?

by  |  earlier

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im desperate




  1. Don't "F" around with the Leprechaun, he lies when he says he knows where that Pot of Gold is...he took me to it once, and it was just his toilet with a 10inch log in it! Never again.

  2. You don't need any tips!!!

    The irish will look after you....

    they are the nicest people on this earth!!! All you need to take with you is yourself.

    oh by the way can i just say u are bloody lucky moving over there. why dont u go onto my profile and look at my latest question...?--the one about God...its actually about ireland..plz read it!!! xxxx

    *sniff* xxxxx

  3. Take a jacket. But seriously I've had friends move to Ireland and they always like it.  Get ready to have some fun!

  4. don't ask for a ride, it doesn't mean what it means in america, ask for a lift!!!!

  5. Learn to drink green beer otherwise you'll be insulting the Irish.

  6. where are you coming from?

    what qualifications do you have?

    What age are you?

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