
I am sooo lost can you help me?

by  |  earlier

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I went to the ER today and The on call physician said that I had an UTI.....well for about two weeks I have had preggo symptoms and i don't start my next period till September 11th....the hospital did a pregnancy test and it was neg but isn't it too soon to tell?and aren't UTI common in early pregnancy?




  1. If you went to the ER I'm sure the doctor knew what he was doing.  I have been ttc for a while and I think I remember having a UTI at some point last year and the doc prescribing a med that was safe for pregnancy (just in case).  I'm not sure though.  So what I would do is go online and see if the meds prescribed are safe to take during pregnancy.  Also, if you want some home spun UTI remedies...drink cranberry juice and tons of water or (this one is really tough)  drink as much vinegar as is absolutely horrible and makes you want to vomit but it has worked for me several times.  Good luck.  Maybe we'll get that BFP soon.

  2. Never heard of that but I might be wrong try taking care of that and wait alittle more and you try taking a HPT to see maybe you are  

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