
I am sport journalis and for making interviws with famoue football players i need their emails.?

by  |  earlier

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some times i want to make report or have interview with big football players fo publishing my newspaper but it is hard.




  1. your a sport "journalis"?! really, huh.

  2. You cant spell- as if anyone is guna give you a footy players email address.

  3. Am I really supposed to believe that your a journalist when you can't even spell or write in correct grammar?

  4. You need to learn to type, spell or at least how to use spell check. Maybe where ever you end up working they will have a good proof reader.

  5. First of all if your going to be a sports journalist you need to learn how to spell or at least know how to use spell checker. The following errors were made in just the question you wrote. The i should be a capitol like this " I " journalist is spelled with a " t" on the end. The word interviews <~~ is spelled this way and this is the way you spell "famous" not famoue ! Sometime is one word not two and next put "i" as a small "i" instead of a capitol " I " again. oh and the word for  < is spelled like this and not fo . So brush up on your spelling skills  your going to need them. Getting a football player email address and sending the players emails is the lazy way to do things besides that chances are pretty good that your email will just get deleted and you won't know anymore about the player then you did from interviews that other writers did. If you want to become a sports writer then start at the local level writing about high school players. If your in high school then get in a journalism class if they have one? If not then see if you can get in the year book  publishing group. Next start following the college teams. Hone your skills by getting interviews with the players and see if you can write for the college paper or if you have a small town paper see if they will hire you as an apprentice? An apprenticeship program will also be a huge help getting you to wear you want to be as a sport writer.  Good luck!  :o)

  6. to be a journalist you need to be able to spell

  7. finish your education first...learning to spell would help a great deal, maybe actually being a sports journalist would, too...

    you wouldn't directly contact the player to set up the interviews shouldn't try to scam famous people's e-mails on Y!A because anyone with the smallest amount of sense wouldn't give them to you...

  8. i am footyball player who play game good and nice. i interview from you and make you get me famous. if good this im very happy!

    you thanks


    YOUR A TWIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. is it a question ? :O

  10. ok journalis, here email address for tony romo:

  11. I think that you will get to be a sports reporter, all you have to do is go to a news paper and ask to have an article ,so ask the sports editor if you are god he give you a chance,then you can publish your newspaper

  12. A likely story! If you were a jounalist, you would know that you must contact their managers/agents/clubs. Try a new tack next time

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