
I am sssssssooooooooo confused?

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One of my friends has PSP.He let me borrow it until he got done with pratic.Since I am a trainer assitant ,I had to put it down and wrap pne of the players leg.When I got done it was gone I was looking for it like crazy.I ask everyone.Now my friend wants me to pay hin back for it.The thing is I don`t even have the money for it.I am barely affording what I have.I really don`t think I should pay him back though because some body stole it and it was his fault for giving it to me anyways.But then it is my fault because I had it.I just don`t know what to do some one help me please.




  1. You accepted it therefore you have to own up to the fact it  got gone while in your care. You should work out a payment deal.

    Good Luck.

  2. Forget the law - morally, you are responsible. I've ruined friends' things, and friends have ruined my things (or lost as is the case for you), and we always assume the borrower has to replace the object as best they can.

    If you have no money, ask the person to show mercy and give you time to come up with another device. See if you can find one on ebay, or in the local classified ads. Hopefully your friend is not going to insist on getting a new product (that would just be mean).

    The installment idea is good too. Show the person your paychecks (or allowance or stipend or however you get money), and try to convince them that you are acting in good faith, just had some bad luck and don't have much resources to make things right. Give them a timeline if you can.

  3. under the law, you'd be responsible. Work out a payment arrangement. Agree to pay $20.00 per month for 10 months. Whatever payment arrangement u make, put it in writing.

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