
I am starting high school?

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I am just starting high school and I am all alone. i have no classes with my friends. NOT EVEN LUNCH!!! and I am extremely shy. I am really scared.




  1. Here are a couple of ideas:

    Look around for someone else that looks shy. They'll understand because you would and say, I'm new here. Are you?

    If you're feeling a little brave, ask a friendly-looking person an easy question to answer like directions to someplace or what time it is or how to say the teacher's name (unless it's Smith!), for example.

    Help someone do something. Smile when you do it.

    You might not make a new friend the first day or two, but it will get better.

    If your homeroom teacher does meet your classmates things, be a good sport and try even the dumb stuff.  

  2. it'll be ok, you just have to try and talk to people and come out of your comfort zone. I totally know how it feels not having in your classes, i had to start a new school my freshman year, and i'm sure you'll be fine.

  3. can you switch

    just smile and try to talk to kids who sit next to you and i know that if the first few days you dont have freinds sit in the bathroom you'll probably make freinds there i have a freind that was in 9th last year and she said she ate lunch in the b-room for the first week then all the kids sitting in the bathroom sat together lol

  4. just relax there is nothin to be scared about i started a knew school when i was a freshman and i had s.a.d social anxiety disorder everything will work out

  5. its ok just go out and buy clothes you like so you will up your personality. If my close look good i feel good. And also maybe people will comment on your clothes and you can stear the conversations to other places that you both like and then you will become friends.

    after the first week if nothing happens then just go to the office and switch classes. idk if you should tallk to your parents about it theyll just say you should focus on your work and maybe the director will say it too. Unless you plead you case good and say you cant focus in a totally new enviroment without any friends anywhere near you.

    Were in the same boat, im acting crazy on myspace trying to find out everyones scheduals.

  6. I just started high school.  I am in the same situation.  well I try to be outgoing and friendly.  Usually people who notice you being friendly want to be your friend.  Try to introduce yourself.  

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