
I am starting to like a capricorn......?

by Guest65034  |  earlier

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I like a capricorn, we hung out a week ago with other people, and I think I'm starting to like him. I haven't seen him since and I have no way of getting hold on him. We work out in the same gym, I haven't seen him there since last week. I know cappies are busy people, but do you think he'd miss me too? If he'd miss me would cappy come see me at the gym? What's my next step? What do cappies like in a girl?




  1. your sign has nothing to do with what you like in a girl or what you are in life so dont worry if hes a capricorn just like him because you like him as a PERSON, not based on his sign.

  2. Astrology isn't something you should make decisions based on.

  3. capricorn can be hard to get a hold of. but he is not the type to 'miss you' after just meeting you. at best he might have thought you were sweet but then moved on to whatever he was doing before meeting you. cappi needs someone who will cling to him. someone who will go along with whatever he is doing and support that. he needs someone to tag along and not give up on him. he is busy, and when not busy he is busy relaxing or taking care of his body or hygiene. cappi can be the type to shrug others off even if they do like them, because they don't want PEOPLE to get in the way of what they are doing in their lives. so you had better share a common interest (such as the gym, work ethics, interests), or you had better get his number fast and cling to him while he tries his best to shake you off.

    cappi is best with: taurus, virgo, pisces, and scorpio.

    virgo and taurus are earth signs just like capricorn. they will have much in common on a soul level and will understand each other very well and have a kind of unspoken bond or understanding. they will appeal to capricorns needs as they will understand his nature and will share similar behaviors of their own.

    pisces and scorpio are water signs. they are opposite to earth but work so well with them. earth and water differences compliment each other. these two water signs will attach to cappi and hold on for the ride. they will force capricorn to realize that all work and no play makes them dull and boring. and they will force capricorn to have a good time and enjoy their company, which really capricorns can be very stubborn at times and can need a little help with taking time off or focussing on fun and enjoyment.

    capricorn with capricorn can be a very good relationship for friends and family etc. but in a romance it tends not to work out long term. too much of what you already have and not enouhg of what you both need. cancer and capricorn are pretty much opposites all around and there can be too much different with not enough understanding for things to work out here in a romance or even a friendship. capricorn and cancer are both cardinal signs. they are leaders which tend to do their own thing and be independant and initiative. which is another reason why they usually don't work too well when paired in romance with a capricorn.

    the fire and air signs usually don't work AT all with capricorn as capricorn is earth. it is a lack of understanding and too extreme of differences.

  4. It sounds like you're trying to use Astrology to get a boyfriend.  If he's not activitely pursuing you, he's probably not that into you.  Out of sight, out of mind.

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