My husband and I have been married for about a year and are in our mid-twenties. He is great and I love every minute I'm with him, but I am starting for resent his current inability to support a family. When we got married he was almost half way done with college and we had our 5 year plan figured out. Then about 3 months ago he lost his job and decided to change his major in college. That means starting all over with classes for the major he chose - none of the previous credits transfer! Since his schooling will now be more intense and longer ( Grad school will also be required) we agreed that he should work part-time and go to school full-time.
Now, I am starting to get frustrated because we had planned to have children a couple years after we were married but with the lose of income and longer schooling it seems like it is forever away. My heart aches everytime I see a little baby and I know I want to have children soon. I'm starting to resent that I have to be the one going to work, paying all the bills, supporting him, etc. - when we both had planned for me to be a stay at home mom in a few years. It is really important to both of us that I stay home with our kids. I'm starting to also resent that he didn't graduate from college or get this all out of the way before, like I have, instead he just kind of messed around for a few years after highschool and didn't really get anything done. Now I feel like I am the one paying for it.
I know we are both in this together and that having children is still a priority for both of us but how do I have enough strength to wait it out and how do I not let this start to make me resent my husband?