
I am staying away from my permanent addr. can i give proof for my per. addr. in name of my parents 4 passport?

by  |  earlier

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i am a college student staying away from my permanent address. i need to apply for an indian passport. can i give address proof in name of my parents or i need only give proof of my present address for which i have bank account statement. i also got a certificate from college specifying my present and permanent address.




  1. According to the passport rule, if you are staying @present address for more then 6 months. You must have to mention it.

    - In case, if you will give only parents address. There will be a nagative police inquiry report, if they will come to know that you are not steying with parents due to Study.

    - You can always apply for the passport with present address.

    All the best

  2. Just show them a utility bill with your name and adress on it. Or else a state ID with your address on it.

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