
I am still craving cigarrettes after 6 days, is this normal?

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I smoked for 14 years. I decided to quit last Wednesday. I still have episodes where I crave a cigarette really bad. Is is ever gonna get any better?




  1. i have been clean off another smoking substance for about two days, and im craving it. so i would beleive that u would definatly be craving one.

  2. Yes you will keep craving til about 4-6 weeks without them. Eventually you will get tired of craving and just say "The h**l with it" and ignore the craving

  3. It'll get better, but there'll always be those bad times.  The longest I've ever made it was 4 months.  As a friend said, "I'm a puff away from a pack a day.".

    Good luck - it takes a lot of courage, that non-smokers don't realize, to try to stop smoking.

  4. Yes, it is normal to still be craving cigarettes.  Yes, it will get better.  When I stopped smoking I noticed the cravings got a little better each week.  Hang in there, it is worth what you are going through.  In 4 to 6 weeks you will feel much better.  It is normal to have cravings occasionally after that as well.  If you don't give into the cravings you will never have to go through this again.


    It will eventually wear off..BE STRONG.

  6. I quite for good about 2 1/2 years ago. Cold turkey! I don't even think about it any longer. What you are talking about is a physiological dependency. The Chemical dependency has worn off after 6 hours, no mater what the media wants you to think. The rest is in your head. Just hang in there each day gets easier.

  7. usually craving for cigarettes will last more than a few months before you can actually start over a life with out it.

  8. Find something to do with yourself. Don't worry about the cravings it will just pass sooner or later just have to wait. The more you wait the more it will pass. I never smoked before but it makes perfect sense.  

  9. Acupuncture helps a lot with cravings. It will be hard for a while. some day you will wonder why you enjoyed smoking. You will also feel a lot better.

    Great job quiting smokes!

  10. Yes that i perfectly normal. The cravings should subside after the first 30 days, then from thereon, it's all psychological.

  11. It will get better. The nicotine is still in your system which is causing the craving.

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