In the answer that got me into this debate, I stated: "I would have to dig an innordinate ammount of data to document a criticism." After going through a shower of links, it is clear to me that AGW proponents overestimate the "striking" accuracy of their models and predictions; that the overwhelming consensus they invoke, can be obtained by drying up research funds for un-PC scientists, and discard criticisms as oil and coal funded; and that belief is held as religious by people that do not understand the workings of science but see favorably any developments that vindicate their political views.
Of course it may seem calous to say to China and Canada today that the weather problems they are having is statistical fluctuation, or that human industry does not play a major part in climate change. Or that reducing your ecological footprint does not matter (it does no harm); or per capita pollution in China and India equal to Finland or the US, will inflate drastically our shadow.