
I am struggling a mother with the thoughts of stopping breastfeeding...?

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My daughter is almost 8 months old and started biting about a month ago which naturally has caused major anxiety in me which has caused her to become anxious. It has caused the sessions to end early etc. Anyway, she has rejected the left breast completely. I only have the right as the "functioning breast" and w/ solids I am not producing like I used to. I fear I am not supporting her enough. I have been supplimenting w/ formula and feel guilty for it! Should I be content w/ exclusively breastfeeding her for 7 months or should I rent a hospital grade pump so I can continue to give only breastmilk and solids? I cannot use a handpump. My only options are formula or renting. Can she thrive on only 1 breast? It just feals like it is only partially full w/ each feeding.




  1. First off, don't feel guilty! You have done a WONDERFUL thing for your child!

    Handpumps are just too hard.

    I REALLY suggest you speak with the lactation consultant at the hospital where you gave birth. She can help you with all your options.

    Good luck and best wishes.

  2. Don't beat yourself up - if you are feeling anxious your baby is going to pick up on that, and in my opinion a happy Mom is more important to baby than breast milk is!  I was unsuccesful at BF my first (she was premature, the feeding didn't go well, and I was an emotional wreck until I decided to go with formula exclusively when she was about a week old)....she is now 9 years old and has been 100% healthy her whole life, her 6 year old brother was also a formula baby and he is also absolutely healthy.  

    I am breast feeding my youngest (4 months & doing great!) - so I am not anti-breast feeding, but I do know that there is no harm in using formula.  soon you'll be able to transition to regular milk anyway!  

    best of luck :)

  3. you dont have to breastfeed a lot of babies are raised with the bottle.

    breast feeding up to 6 months is fine the baby has enough food from solids and bottle they dont stay hungry.

    if you still feel you want to feed the baby with breast milk rather than powder milk get advice from you local doctor first, and if he says your breast milk is still fine buy a home breast pump and you can pump it into the bottle and then feed the baby from both breast not just one, you can buy them from any mother stores or even argos! good luck!

  4. pump with a Medela double electric, solids, and try Enfamil infant supplement drops...if she is still not full, use some formula too. You did your best, but baby MUST get enough to eat in order to grow properly.

    8mnths is great! my milk started to dwindle after 3 and by 4 he was on the breast and formula, now just on formula.

  5. 8 months is an INCREDIBLE effort!  I wouldn't be feeling guilty I'd be d**n proud of myself for lasting that long!

    Perhaps your daughter is telling you that she's ready to wean?  If she doesn't want it, she doesnt want it!  It's nothing to feel guilty over at all! She's just ready to move on.

    If you feel like you'll miss the closeness then you can still hold her the way you would when you're breastfeeding as you give her a bottle.  

    Good work lasting 8 months!  I'm impressed :)

  6. I didn't have the option of breast feeding.  My son is now a happy, healthy and content 7 year old.  After 8 months she should have gotten the benefits of having mothers milk.  I think you are perfectly fine to switch to formula.  Like my OB told me, can you tell which adults were breast feed and which had formula? Don't beat yourself up. She is going to be fine.

  7. I have 3 children and all three decided themselves when breastfeeding was over. My daughter also became less interested at 9 monthes. I had the same anxieties and I also added the sadness of losing that connection with her. But I have to say, I felt better having stopped because I quite worrying about it so much. I have a VERY healthy daughter and know that I gave her the best I could. I believe you can drive yourself crazy trying to keep up breastfeeding through a ton of obstacles.

    Good Luck!

  8. Don't stop your attempts at breast feeding, even if you need to express the milk with acquiring special equipment.

    The experts tell us that infants should be breast fed for at least the first 12 months of life.

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