
I am studying for teaching.. When you have a baby, do they provide maternity leave?

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anyone who's a teacher? im graduating next year and probably start working in 2 years, but i plan to have more children and how much time after the baby is born do they give maternity leave?




  1. You accumulate sick days. Save them up. You can also get time off without pay. Maternity is considered like any other illness, Yea I know, it is not an illness.

  2. Typically, they give you up to 3 months to return back to work. However, the only days that are paid are those that you have accumulated in sick leave. Thus, if you get pregnant your first year of teaching, you will probably only have about 5-10 days of sick leave saved up. Unused sick days roll over from year to year up to a certain point.

    I would strongly suggest in investing in a short-term disability plan that also covers maternity leave. Often times, they will pay a portion of your salary for up to 6 weeks unless there are complications, in which they increase the amount of time you can draw the salary. I signed up with AFLAC because I know I won't have the amount of sick days stored up that I would want to take. I want to stay at home at least two months with the baby.

  3. In my district, I think you use up your sick days (which roll over from year to year) but I'm not 100% sure.

  4. this completely depends on the district you enter.  some places allow you to take the time off without penalty, but will only pay you for the sick days you haven't used over the years.  other places will give you 6 weeks of paid maternity leave with the option of adding on more time if you have extra sick days left over.  

    if this is something that is important to you, see if you can find a district's union website and read up on their policies.

  5. In my district, you can leave and take up to 30 days before or after the baby is born that are sick days and paid.  After that, you can finish the year on leave and ask for a request for a second year, that way you still have a position when you return.  All this would be unpaid though.

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