
I am suicidal. Should I See A Psychologist? ?

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I am a 21 year old female and I am suicidal. I was sexually assaulted last October and as a result I have HPV and Herpes. After the assault, the man stalked me and threatened to kill me if I told the police. I did tell the police, but only about the stalking. I was in a room with a male police officer and I couldn't get the courage to admit I was sexually molested. After that, I decided not to report it because I was afraid of being killed and also I might have lied to the police by not sharing the information that I was assaulted.

I saw a psychiatrist awhile back. He was a male and I did not feel comfortable telling him I have HPV and Herpes and the whole sexual assault. Is that weird??? I just can't tell men.

Should I see a female psychologist? I don't want to be labeld "crazy". I know I am depressed and suicidal but I am so afraid they will lock me away. Will the lady be nice and caring??? I don't want her to judge me.

I want to die. I don't know how to get over the itching. My college starts back up on Monday. However, I have not signed up for classes. Tomorrow is the last day to sign up. Should I sign up?

I am so depressed. I want to kill myself. It feels like the only option. I fear that I will never get married because who will marry me if I have HPV and Herpes?

Can I overcome this? Or would suicide be a nice relief from this h**l?




  1. wow that is alot too handle.yes see a lady counselor and tell them why you choose to do so.yes she will be caring and nice,if not she will lose her job.always tell the truth.sorry to hear what happened to you.someone will be man enough to marry you someday,no matter what you have.have faith you lack it alot.please don't give up on life there is so much beauty in this world,and you are one beauty that God hands us c**p at times,but you need to stay strong and focused on getting yourself through this bad time.killing yourself would be a waste.join classes get yourself busy and back at is never too late to report what really happened to you.tell them you want to talk to a lady cop.good luck.

  2. Find a woman psychologist whom you feel comfortable talking with. If the first one you go to doesn't work, don't just leave, explain to her that you just aren't comfortable, and ask her if she has any references. You might even call your old psychologist and ask if he has any female references. Getting the rape off of your chest is probably your main priority right now. Even if you feel like it's a bad idea, it won't turn out badly. Especially if you tell your psychologist about the rape instead of going directly to the police after you waited. Your psychologist will make sure it's taken seriously, and not as if you with held information.

    As far as school goes, that choice is completely up to you, depending on if you feel comfortable. You're clearly very stressed at the moment, and if you don't feel you can handle the work load of school, take a semester off, or wait until you're ready to hadle it.

    I hope you feel better.

  3. You can overcome this, but you have to be strong.

    I would definitely recommend seeing a FEMALE shrink. Just find someone you're comfortable with, and let it all out on them. They are professionals, and can definitely help you.

  4. Live. Do not die by any means - Don't kill yourself and don't let anyone else kill you. There is help for you. If you feel you cannot tell a male counselor, see a female counselor. Tell the police. Get religious help, too. Things are never as bad as they seem. Sign up, try to focus on the positive. Life can improve, and will if you do all you can to improve it. Suicide will not help. You can overcome this with the help of your friends, loved ones, professionals, and your Savior. Pray for help, you will find it. I am praying for you. Don't give up hope.

  5. talk to a friend who can keep any secret and maybe you should tell the police everything it would probaly be best for you  

  6. You are loved. Seek help. You will over come this. Don't give up. The hard road is always the best road in the end. You will win! I know it!

  7. Yes you should.  Yes, see a female.  You won't be labeled crazy.  And please don't kill yourself.  Suicide is never the answer.  It is an act of either desperation or selfishness, or both.  You don't sound selfish and you do sound like you'd like to get back to your life.  You deserve it, so go see to getting yourself some help.  Don't let that creep keep hurting you.

  8. This has already traumatized you, see a psychologist, and report this to the police if you can identify your assailant. The police will understand your fears and situation. Don't let the b*****d that did this to you get away with the act. You already want to kill yourself, so that will satisfy the stalker, and you have nothing to lose by doing what is right. You are a victim, don't further the crime by letting him win.You must talk to someone. Instead of fear, get mad,real mad and get even. You did nothing wrong, but you will not be doing right if you let this go on unresolved.Go to school. and arm yourself with what ever is legal.

  9. first of all, what happened to you is horrible and no one deserves for that to happen to them.

    the whole "i can't tell guys" thing is understandable, since you were violated by a man.

    although you might be scared that the guy will harm you if you report it, you have to work up the courage to go and report it, so they can put him away and keep him from doing it again or even to others.

    another thing, since you were assaulted its a high possibility that you might have PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) in which a lot of people get depressed and have suicidal feelings.

    if you feel like you would be more comfortable opening up with a female psychologist, then you should switch to a female one.

    as for school, if you feel like going to school will help you, not just educationally but emotionally also, then i think it would be a good idea.

    personally i would do it so you can keep your mind busy on school work, instead of being depressed.

    now, for the marriage part?

    i believe there are plenty of couples with STDs such as herpes, HIV and such. if a person truly cared for the person you are and not what kind of disease you have, i don't think why would mind the risk of being with you.

    i wish you the best of luck. :]

  10. a psychiatrist would almost defintiely help you feel a little better abotu the situation

    you have logical rasons to feel a little usntable, btu ther are things that can be done about it including seeing a psychiatrist, who will judge whether or not you need medication

    if you are truly suicidail like you say u are, meds could hoenstly make u feel better, becasue it is not so natural for hte body to want to harm itself, even tho there are many reasons that would initiate tha kind of htought process, the chemicals in the brain are probably a ltitle confused and thatts what the meds do..

    i would defintiely try 2 go to a osychiatrist, or at lewast a psychologist

    and just cuz youre going to one doesnt mean your insane, a lot of ppl have psichyiatrists or pshycologists just fro adhd or normal things, mild anxieety wtvr that isnt a big deal.

  11. Girl, You need God.

    My mom went through some of the same stuff as you,and she tried to kill have so many friends and family that love you.imagine if someone you loved was just gone.its the worst feeling ever.

    my mom gave her life to God and ive never seen her happier.i mean i did too,but just cause you live for God doesnt mean you cant have fun! i swear.cause being a crazy christian is of course"crazy" so just think about it.


  12. Seek the help of a female therapist or any professional that can help you deal with this.  What happened 2 U is not your fault!  You need to tell somebody...the more U talk about what happened 2 U, the more U deal with it.  If there are any resources like support groups, clinics, therapist,etc. on your campus, U need to take advantage of them IMMEDIATELY.

    Have U confided in any of your friends or family?  I had a friend go through this and she finally opened up to her girls and we were there for her.  However, we told her to seek the help of a counselor and she listened to us.  Suicide is NEVER the answer.  You are a survivor, U just don't see that, yet.  God Bless.  

  13. Yes! There are lots of things to do. The first is to know that no matter how black it is now. Life will get better.

    Here are some suicide hotline numbers that you should call right now.



    You can also find a hotline specific to your state here:

    A female psychologist would be a lot of help. And its never to late to report. The police will understand you were scared. And I'm sure you can request a woman officer to work with.

    Sign up for classes, it will give you something to do in life and act as a way to help you focus on some simple short term goals. Just don't sign up for a bunch of super hard classes.

  14. I feel sorry for the incident but you gotta take further actions. You need some treatment and I suggest you go for it, no more delay. Female psychologist will help you going through this. It is better than doing nothing. Also I read from article that vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, and zinc help treating Herpes.

    Regarding the threat from the guy, I suggest talking to the authority is a better way then keeping it to yourself. I believe they can handle it from there. Go for it. Hope you get though this over quickly! Take care!

    Suicidal is never an option. It is a No No thing to do! Fight it!

  15. Before i say anything, suicide is defiantly not the answer to this. Because of what you went through with the guy, talking to a male isn't the best. Talking to a female is more comfortable, that's my opinion. A female psychologist will not judge you, she's just there to help you, make you feel better and is there to heal you. Before it's too late you should tell somebody, a close family member. Don't take any chances with not telling someone. i know that your scared but it's just going to get worse, and your going to end up regretting it. Joining things in college is a smart idea because it will make you forget what happen and will keep you busy. if you take the time telling a psychologist they will listen. If you feel uncomfortable telling the police, kindly ask the psychologist to tell them herself. The best thing to do is let out what happen, you'll feel much much MUCH better, trust me!!

    feel better! AND tell someone!  

  16. Relief from this h**l?

    Kill yourself is more h**l.

    Be strong and overcome it.

  17. You should find one you are comfortable with.

    And before you do anything

    Do not call a suicide hotline, In certain states they are required to send the police to find you, such as in florida. I know because I was wrongly sent to a asylum for a day after I had a fight with someone. When I was in there, they brought in a few people, including a teacher, who had been "baker act'd" because of their call to a suicide hotline.

    Even if you were raped, you are the same exact woman you were the moment before it happened. This doesnt make you someone else, it doesnt make you something less.

    Even if you have herpes, guess what? So do 1/4 of single adults. There are a load of other people out there with it, you are in good company.

    The best thing you can do is talk to someone about it, nothing we can say to you will make it feel better, only talking it out will help, and we cant do that for you.

    Good luck

  18. You should absolutely see a psychiatrist. Search for a doctor you like and are comfortable with. See many before choosing if you have to. Don't let these things eat away at you. You've been through a severe trauma, don't let it define you and don't let it take over. Keep yourself as healthy as possible, physically and mentally.  STIs are not a death sentence and neither is depression.  

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