
I am super nervous for 9th Grade!?

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I am going into 9th grade next month, but I am really nervous. I moved school districts, so I won't know anyone, Also, I went to a private middle school where we wore uniforms, so I have no clue what kinds of clothes are "in" right now. Can anyone reassure me that things will work out?! I am so scared that no one will like me!!





  1. dw im sort of in the same position, but i know 3 kids. DO NOT WORRY. you will make friends im sure, and jeans always works.  

  2. You're going to do great and I understand your nervousness; it's completely normal. I think everyone gets those first day jitters, but soon you will have settled in and have some new friends.

    As for clothes, if uniforms aren't required, some school districts actually have policies about dress codes, so you may want to check with your district to make sure there aren't any "no-no's." If there aren't, then I would suggest getting things you are comfortable in. I'd go with some jeans and a cute top. We love shopping at Kohl's. They have a lot of really cute outfits and usually there is always a sale too, which is nice.

    Good luck to you this year and remember to smile and just be yourself! :)

  3. Well, go for stores like Aeropostale, American Eagle, Hollister, Forever21, Wet Seal and PacSun. Doen't be nervous! You will make friends if you be yourself, are social and have a likable attitude.

  4. Most kids feel this way.They are scared 2 go to school on the first day and then they feel more better.I had also experienced this way in this year.Then I feel happy on the other days.There is no need to be too nervous.Good Luck!!

  5. your first day of high school is probably gonna be your best day ever

    just try not to be nervous and try to make friends

  6. hi i'm entering 9th grade too and just be yourself and you'll make friends. i think it would be a good idea for you to join a club or sport so you will know some people and they might be in your classes. anyways the stores that are most popular amongst men and my friends are abercrombie, hollister, american eagle, forever 21, nordstrom, pac sun, and of ocurse target! just wear something cute and comfy! you can never go wrong with jeans and a tshirt with a cool print or pattern is nice. and for shoes vans and converse are really popular. so are keds. good luck. oh yea i like your name!

  7. Don't worry you will be just fine. Public school is fun and interactive you will love it. Make sure you hang with good people it's to easy to get caught up in the wrong crowd. GOOD LUCK.

  8. Im me on on yahoo messengers and i will try to send you some websites that have good clothing that is in and i ll help u with other stuff.

    im going into 10th grade!

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